A provincial town steeped in history

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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In the last post, I mentioned a trip to Yuryev-Polsky. This is a small town in the Vladimir region. This town was just a point on the map and I had never been to this place before. But I read something and saw somewhere that this town has an interesting Kremlin.

By the way, one very famous feature film in Russia was filmed in this city.

It is known that the city of Yuryev-Polsky was founded in 1152. By the way, my city of Kostroma was founded in the same year. And it is known that the founder of both cities was Yuri Dolgoruky. A well-known representative of the Rurik dynasty, who, among other things, founded Moscow.

It is also known that at the dawn of the development of the Russian state, Yuryev-Polsky was the center of an appanage principality. Those. at one point it was the capital of some lands.

But at the beginning of the 13th century, the Mongol-Tatars came to Russia and the young city fell under their onslaught. After the wave of invasion from the east subsided, these lands came under the influence of Moscow. And then it turned into a provincial town.

Despite the provincial and secondary nature of this city, it has a rich history. A very terrible internecine battle took place near Yuryev-Polsky at the very beginning of the 13th century.

Russian princes from Novgorod and the northern lands fought for the inheritance of the old prince with the princes from the southern lands. Brother to brother - as has happened more than once in Russian history.

This battle went down in history as the Battle of Lipitsa in 1216. Many wars died in this terrible battle near Yuryev-Polsky. In addition, the annals contained records that many famous epic heroes died in this battle.

And at the beginning of the 19th century, a peasant found a helmet and chain mail in the forest. This artifact was placed in the Moscow Kremlin Museum. It was a princely helmet, which could later belong to Alexander Nevsky himself.

This is such an amazing city.

The earthen rampart and walls of the Kremlin are well preserved in Yuryev-Polsky. In addition, there is a unique pre-Mongol St. George Cathedral. It was built in 1234.

Interesting place to visit on a weekend.

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