A little more about the city of Suzdal

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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I dug around on the internet to find out more about the history of Suzdal.

Here's what I found. First, Suzdal is a very old city. In the place where the city is now located, a river with the name Kamenka flows. The Merya tribes lived on the banks of this river. These are Finno-Ugric peoples. These tribes were engaged in fishing, hunting, and they did not have a state. They lived in these places for a very long time and peacefully. In the 9th century, Slavic tribes began to come to these places. They coexisted peacefully with the Mer and assimilated in most places. All these people, one way or another, turned into Russian people.

It is difficult to understand who the Russians are. It is a melting pot of different cultures. There are Slavs, Vikings, and Merya ... And then the Tatars and Mongols came and added their eastern seasoning to this cauldron. As a result, we have our unusual ethnos.

This whole conversation about history and society arose from my visit to the city of Suzdal. Interestingly, this city has had ups and downs. This city was burned several times. This city was the center of the Russian spiritual world. It is interesting that in Soviet times this city was lucky and at the state level a decision was made to turn this city into a city-museum.

A huge amount of work has been done and as a result, this city has retained its historical buildings. There are no large houses here and the architectural appearance of the city is still preserved as in the old days.

Therefore, it is always very interesting for me to be in this city. Suzdal is a real pearl of Russia.

An interesting event takes place in Suzdal from time to time. This is a meeting of Russian designers called "design weekend". Since I am related to this profession, I try to come to this event. And every time I walk around the hospitable city of Suzdal and enjoy the spring and good weather.

It is interesting that Suzdal is not far from the city of Vladimir. It turns out that a visit to Suzdal and Vladimir is a great two-in-one package, since you can visit the best sights of the Vladimir region in one day.

And if we also include the village of Bogolyubovo and the Church of the Intercession-on-Nerl, it turns out that this is one of the most excellent routes for a weekend tour from Kostroma or even from Moscow.

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