Buying silver, turning a profit, keeping the kids happy....


After my post 2 days ago, where I talk about ordering my over priced silver coins from the Royal Mint, they have arrived.....


I took the plunge, and ordered 2 of these over priced silver trinkets, one for each of my children. I knew I was over paying, and completely agree with @buggedout who said it best:

They look like nice coins. Just remember that they are targetting parents with this type of coin and they are probably thinking that if parents are silly enough to have kids, they are silly enough to pay a big premium too. LOL.

I hoped and prayed that my only saving grace was to get a low serial number, and that this might help me recoup any over payment should I decide to sell them later on. Don't worry.... I know you're all think "I'm a bad dad" should I choose to sell them, but I promise to replace them with a replacement and lower serial number.


So one of the coins is 6383/18000 and only holds its original purchase price, but the other is 138/18000 and could find its way on to ebay or another sale page.

It would have been nice to have both coins in the single or double digit range, but I'll take a 138 and see what I can get for it.

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Number 138 ...@welshstacker that's a keeper...well they both are keepers!!!😀
Congratulations my friend they look very nice in they're very professional plastic case's!!🤗

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