
in Banking and Finance3 years ago


The free P2E gaming platform — connecting gamers, games, and guilds worldwide.

So I listened to an interview of the CEO of this company Will Deane, and he gave a brief explanation of this company and it’s service.

Background: Players playing Play-to-Earn video games based on Blockchains can earn cryptocurrency tokens like Ethereum. Bitcoin, Hive, Dec or SPS. And the dollar or monetary value of these tokens can provide a higher yearly wage then many jibs in some countries.

So there is a large and growing population of people worldwide who want to play these games.
However, the cost to buy the NFT gaming tokens you need to play the game can easily exceed one thousand dollars USD for a game like Axie Infinity. $1000.00 U.S. Dollars.

Guilds have been created to solve this problem by providing both cards and training, to people the guild thinks are potentially good players, in return for a large share of the gamers profits.

Rainmakers is a Guild on a much larger scale, which provides the NFT gaming tokens to multiple games, access to multiple gaming sites from one platform, the ability to play with your NFTs and the NFTs belonging to RainMaker, and the ability to make a Rainmaker Gaming estimated 30% more earnings then players playing for Guilds.

I have provided more information below from the Rainmaker website.

My thoughts on this development.

Play-to-Earn blockchain based, cryptocurrency token reward video games are becoming a powerful force in the economy of many countries, as people look for ways to financially support their families in a world economy crippled by Covid-19.
‘The high price of Ethereum and the Ethereum blockchain transaction fees have once again created a barrier to entry, for many potential player. And the success of the games causing the best game tokens to rise in price to unobtainable levels is a barrier to entry also.

This excludes many players who could financially benefit from the games.

-Guilds have arisen which allow players access to multiple entry level and higher level game tokens in exchange for a portion of the players earnings.
-These Guilds also provide some mentoring and training.
Rainmaker Gaming takes this concept a step further, providing Players game tokens to use in multiple Play-to-Earn games, and from one central web location.
The project creator reports their Guild-like project allows players to earn more income.
Hive based Splinterlands has always provided a free playing deck of over 50 NFT playing tokens on a blockchain with fast, free transactions, the Hive blockchain.

The end .. for now .. @shortsegments.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 58559.96
ETH 3156.41
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44