Covid-19 lockdown day 37 – Nations crumble but Bitcoin will thrive

Time to realize that we can’t save this dying economy, this dying culture, this dying dollar hegemony. We can’t save it but can only walk away from it as it dies an inevitable death. The old world died last month under lockdown. And more death and destruction is still to come. This is not will take years.

cave yacht sardinia pixa.jpg...weak wifi so no pic upload

Petrol bombs burning down the Lebanon central bank. Armed militia on the streets of Michigan demanding the end of lockdown. All potentially ineffective you might say, and you would be correct. Martial law is here to corral the people in every nation. And here in sunny South Africa we have the most draconian lockdown in the world, some are saying.

And it’s the educated and well-behaved middle class that are complying and staying home here, but the lower income bracket who are squashed together in their suburbs, are on another level. They have no time or space to bother with lockdown, They mill around on the streets and take minibus taxis by the thousand all across the country from Western to Eastern Cape in order to take their dead relatives to the ancient ancestral burial sight back in the traditional native homeland.

So there are two levels of compliance here on the ground, and thus lockdown is not working to maintain or enforce social distancing. There is no social distancing among the vast masses who happen to be seriously impoverished already. So where is this going? Well, our infection rate is said to be climbing now. It will still only peak in September, four months from now. So as long as there are positive virus cases, the president will uphold the so-called lockdown, keeping people home, away from work or the ability to earn money for food. All the while mass socializing will carry on in the poor suburbs and the virus will spread like wildfire, thus keeping us locked down in what you can see is a vicious circle or downward spiral into destruction and death.

That is one of the potentials. With our south-south cousin of Argentina, the economy is also again defaulting and collapsing. So in numerous emerging countries we are seeing economic collapse and the starvation of the poorest. It’s a giant farce, run by the central banks and globalist elite. More of the same since time immemorial it seems. Only this time it is foisted upon billions of people by only a handful. The inequality is unprecedented. As is the criminal abuse of humanity.

It has happened before where people went to bed at night with their currency worth a certain amount only to wake up the next morning with their fiat worth half as much. Argentina, like South Africa, will have to either run to the IMF or to China, and be enslaved to one or the other, for the collapse is inevitable. I wonder how many other countries are collapsing now? How much of the planet is collapsing into poverty as the wealth transfer to the rich takes place once more. This collapse could take a few years, so we can count this year as over already, economically speaking.

As for our daily life on the ground – we will be going through month after month of poverty and hunger, slowly getting worse, all year long. Maybe some can continue working online from home but the vast majority will not have that option, certainly not here in uneducated South Africa. It is now that the solution of bitcoin and cryptocurrency can come to the rescue. That and commodities like gold and silver, will be the safe havens now. Argentina ironically gets its name from the word “silver” which is “argentum” in Latin, if I’m not mistaken.

Let’s see where this goes. Those of us who have seen this collapse coming last year already, would have positioned our investments in safe havens like bitcoin and metals, knowing that our fiat was going to devalue. Here in South Africa my fiat went from ZAR14/$1 at the start of the year, all the way down to around ZAR19/$1 at present. So the collapse is real. My money was safer invested in bitcoin and metals.

But the masses will be left poverty stricken in the coming continuation of lockdown. And winter is coming here in the south. The government promised ZAR350 per unemployed adult, per month for six months, which is about $17 a month, though I’m the wrong skin color to expect anything from the reverse racist government now ruling in SA. I don’t blame them, after Apartheid, even if it was over 25 years ago. So I am simply the alien minority in my own homeland now, with no shelter from the state, not the police protection, not the social services and their handouts, nothing. I will have to look after myself at this stage. There is no future for a white person of European descent in black South Africa. But with no money to go anywhere, here I remain, stuck with my back to the sea, waiting for the inevitable invasion. It’s only a matter of time, or so it seems anyway from my subjective point of view and based on what I’ve read.

The masses are being crushed into poverty like never before, in an already vastly impoverished nation, with poor education, and 30% unemployment before the virus and lockdown even started. There is no solution, there is no way out of it, the economic system will crash. The masses will be smashed into starvation, and they will take to looting to survive. That is my reality based on the overall downward trajectory over the past decades.

Of course, China may step in and send more of their police to help us run and control our population. There are already battalions of Chinese nationals as police here in South Africa, with the mandate of protecting the Chinese nationals living here, most of whom can’t speak any other language and who hate blacks. They are more racist than any Apartheid white European may have been in the 1980s. Just look at the multiple recent youtube videos of Africans from all over the continent being savagely thrown into the streets all over China as the virus hit. They are seen as carriers and spreaders and have become the pariahs of China. No hotel would take them in and they were thrown out by their landlords, stuck roaming the streets with their suitcases, crowds of them.

And so out of desperation the black government will run to China for handouts and loans and shelter, but the Chinese will treat them like dogs, taking over their country and economy from under their noses, continuing to keep them as the servant or labour class, in their own land, just like Apartheid did, but worse. It will be Chinese style oppression. So here in the second month under severe lockdown, I see no future for myself. Other than bitcoin, that is. If I can HODL for dear life now, and not sell out for food, then my satoshis may be worth something in 18 months from now. My ZAR certainly won’t be worth much, but my crypto may just be my saving grace, food on the table. But 18 months is an awfully long time, from my current perspective of only a few pennies left for next month’s food rations. This is going to be quite an interesting challenge.


A very passionate post about the massive upheaval occurring politically, socially and economically in your country. Reverse racism is just as bad as Apartheid. In this country Martin Luther King said: We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. The majority of the population is being distracted by things like this, while the divide and enslave strategy of the elite proceeds with the largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. I didn’t know you had Chinese Police in SA?! A stunning development! How could this be allowed? There are so many frightening things occurring in this world.

Thanks for your feedback friend. Yes there may be more going on than we realize, especially now under lockdown.

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