T.I.P.S. to Building Wealth


'Think' of your money as a vessel for growth.

  • Buy things that:
    ---appreciate in value - investments (stocks, crypto)
    ---hold their value - real estate (homes & land)
    ---or have little depreciation - buying used cars depreciates less than buying new ones

Obviously this is over the long term and subject to a ton of caveats. Do your homework before investing or buying anything! Please.

  • Don't confuse sentimental value with market value
    ---Sentimental value is the emotional value that you place on an item.
    ---Market value is the monetary value the market places on that item.

Just because you think your kitchen is worth $10,000 more because you spent that amount to remodel it, doesn't mean prospective homebuyers bidding for your house will think that as well.


'Invest' in things you understand.

  • If you invest in things that you understand, you will have the long-term conviction to stick with that investment. And you won't sell it at the first sign of trouble, usually at a loss. As Warren Buffett also advised, "If you aren't willing to own a stock for ten years, don't even think about owning it for ten minutes.”


'Protect' your money and assets.

  • Diversify your Investments -- Not all investments are created equal. And sometimes you could be wrong about the potential of an investment. Diversification protects you from arrogance and ignorance.

  • Buy insurance -- As your assets grow, so should your insurance that protects those assets. You never know when the next natural disaster; car accident; or health emergency will set you back financially. Make sure your home, auto and health insurance match your assets; plus an umbrella policy for the extras.

  • Don’t forget to have 3 to 6 months of emergency savings -- You want to be using cash for an emergency, not debt.


'Spend' less than you make = Make more than you spend.

  • Have multiple streams of income -- do what you love and provide people with what they love. Plus, buy assets that pay dividends (stocks, crypto, real estate, etc...). Do your homework please.

  • Don't fall for the Discount Hustle -- Only buy things ‘you need’ on discount. Don’t buy things ‘on discount’ thinking you need it.

  • Limit and eliminate debt -- Debt saps you of your future income, and income is a major component of building wealth.

  • Don’t be seduced by Lifestyle Creep -- Just because you make more, doesn't mean you spend more.

Do you have anything to add? Stay financially frosty people.

Thanks for reading.

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