Yahoo Security Breach Proposed Settlement: Victims Got A Piece of $117.5 Million Settlement & You Might Have An E-Mail About This Too :)

in Banking and Finance4 years ago

If you can prove your losses, you can get upto $25,000 from Yahoo! I only figured this out because after a long time I logged into an old & barely used Gmail account of my past. I had an E-Mail from Yahoo waiting for me. I suspect I had this Gmail account listed as my recovery account when I made a Yahoo account some long time ago (which didn't even end up using)

If you had a Yahoo account anytime in 2012 through 2016, a pending class action settlement may affect you.

  • 2012 Data Security Intrusions: From at least January through April 2012, at least two different malicious actors accessed Yahoo’s internal systems. The available evidence, however, does not reveal that user credentials, email accounts, or the contents of emails were taken out of Yahoo’s systems.

  • 2013 Data Breach: In August 2013, malicious actors were able to gain access to Yahoo’s user database and took records for all existing Yahoo accounts—approximately three billion accounts worldwide. The records taken included the names, email addresses, telephone numbers, birth dates, passwords, and security questions and answers of Yahoo account holders. As a result, the actors may have also gained access to the contents of breached Yahoo accounts and, thus, any private information contained within users’ emails, calendars, and contacts.

  • 2014 Data Breach: In November 2014, malicious actors were able to gain access to Yahoo’s user database and take records of approximately 500 million user accounts worldwide. The records taken included the names, email addresses, telephone numbers, birth dates, passwords, and security questions and answers of Yahoo account holders, and, as a result, the actors may have also gained access to the contents of breached Yahoo accounts, and thus, any private information contained within users’ emails, calendars, and contacts.

  • 2015 and 2016 Data Breach: From 2015 to September 2016, malicious actors were able to use cookies instead of a password to gain access into approximately 32 million Yahoo email accounts.

Who is eligible?

  • You need to have had Yahoo account at any time between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016
  • Resident of USA or Israel

What do you get from the settlement?

Yahoo has enhanced, or, through its sucessor in interest, Oath Holdings Inc. (“Oath”), continues to enhance security of its customers’ Personal Information stored on its databases. Defendants will also pay for a Settlement Fund of $117,500,000. The Settlement Fund will provide: a minimum of two years of Credit Monitoring Services to protect Settlement Class Members from future harm, or Alternative Compensation instead of credit monitoring for Class Members who already have Credit Monitoring Services (subject to verification and documentation); Out-of-Pocket Costs for losses related to the Data Breaches; and reimbursement of some costs for those who paid for Yahoo premium or small business services. The Settlement Fund will also be used to pay for attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses, and Service Awards for the Settlement Class Representatives.

What can you do about this?

  • Option 1: Free credit monitoring service (I'd say I'm sane enough not to pick this)
  • Option 2: File a “Alternative Compensation Claim” of up to $100
  • Option 3: If you don’t want to participate in the settlement, but you still want to preserve your future right to sue Yahoo, you have until March 6, 2020 (Option Expired!)
  • Option 4: Be lazy! Do nothing!

The Big Deadline: July 20th

You're already too late to take some options because the deadlines have passed. There are few options left until July 20th. If you act quick you might have a chance at some freebies. Below is the official website for all the info.

Phone: 844-702-2788 (1-80-9344112 for residents of Israel).

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