Trending NFT On OpenSea || WEEKLY REVIEW:- 01 || Season 02

in Tron Fan Club6 months ago


Hello dear TFC fans.
How are you, NFT creators? Hope everybody is doing well. I'm fine too. In today's post, I will highlight the trending NFT in OpenSea nft marketplace. I hope you enjoy this blog. OpenSea is NFT's number 1 marketplace. Where NFTs worth billions of dollars are constantly being sold.

So let's get started:-


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After entering the OpenSea marketplace, you can see the interface like the picture below. The NFT on the right side of it is the NFT that is trending today. We can see a noisy NFT on the Dashboard. This noisy NFT concept was awesome. I didn't see this type of NFT before. There are many concepts about this NFT, Because when a person thinks about what is in this NFT. Then he can feel whatever he thinks. The name of this NFT collection is "Mirandus"


Mirandus is an entirely not new NFT collection. This NFT collection was created in Oct 2020. The Mirandus NFT Collection presents a captivating and expansive epic fantasy RPG experience within the realm of blockchain gaming. Set in a massive world ruled by five-player monarchs, Mirandus offers players unparalleled freedom of choice, allowing them to shape their destiny in a rich and immersive universe.

One of the standout features of Mirandus is the absolute freedom it grants to players. Whether venturing into the wilderness to face formidable monsters, pledging loyalty to one of the five monarchs as a knight, or establishing a thriving presence in the realm's great cities, players have a myriad of paths to explore. This diversity of gameplay options ensures that Mirandus caters to a wide range of player preferences and playstyles.

A central and innovative mechanic in Mirandus is the emphasis on player ownership of in-game assets. The introduction of land deeds adds a strategic layer to the gameplay, allowing players to claim parts of the wilderness and establish holdfasts, ranging from modest farms to grandiose cities. This not only enhances the sense of immersion but also introduces an element of economic strategy and territorial control, fostering a dynamic and player-driven game environment.

Community engagement and collaboration are crucial aspects of any blockchain gaming project, and Mirandus appears to recognize this. The dynamic interaction between players, the monarchy system, and the ownership of in-game assets creates a vibrant ecosystem that encourages socialization, cooperation, and competition.



All of those Parallel Avatars are in the abstract art. Every design is different from each other. All of those are looks so cute.


The creator of this collection is Gala Who has made many more NFTs before. The total number of NFTs in his collections is 443. Here is the user link of the creator:-

This creator is very interested in NFT. Due to which, almost half a lakh worked with NFT. And the number of which is constantly increasing. Such interest brings quite a change in the world of NFT. As a result, the NFT marketplaces developed in a concise period. Hence, the interest in NFTs grows. He should start working on these.


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A Few Words About Myself: -

I am Md. Abu Hena Sarkar. And my nickname is Sagor. I am an independent conscious boy. That always puts freedom first. I love writing, reading, photography, videography, analysis, and learning about the unknown. I am a sociable boy.

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Your article is very good. I hope you write articles like this in the future. thank you

Mirandus NFT collection looks promising and it can give a good return after holding it for some time. Solid read.

 6 months ago 

The marketplace you discuss in this article is a leading one and it has got a bunch of NFT projects listed on the portal. I have seen it before and I know that it has got a variety of NFT tokens from various projects with some use case that is literally a game changer.

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