Trending NFT On OpenSea || WEEKLY REVIEW:- 18 || Tron Fan Club

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago


Hello dear TFC fans.
How are you, NFT creators? Hope everybody is doing well. I'm fine too. In today's post, I will highlight the trending NFT in OpenSea nft marketplace. I hope you enjoy this blog. OpenSea is NFT's number 1 marketplace. Where NFTs worth billions of dollars are constantly being sold.

So let's get started:-


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After entering the OpenSea marketplace, you can see the interface like the picture below. The NFT that is seen on the right side of it is the NFT that is trending today. We can see a noisy NFT on the Dashboard. This noisy NFT concept was awesome. I didn't see this type of NFT before. There are many concepts about this NFT, Because when a person thinks about what is in this NFT. Then he can feel whatever he thinks. The name of this NFT collection is "CHCC: Genesis Collection Chest"


CHCC: Genesis Collection Chest is an entirely new NFT collection. About 8,180 unique 3D animated NFT items are in this collection Created on 17 November 2022. First impressions were mixed with this NFT collection. This NFT collection is based on the human skeleton. These functions of the human skeleton are highlighted in each NFT. So, I think this collection is very crazy.

Those who are die-heart game lovers. They will love this NFT because of its unique interface.



In this NFT we see a girl with a stylish electric guitar. This girl looks so pretty. Anyone can easily get crushed on it. By the way, it is only a gaming character. I personally liked this NFT.


The creator of this collection is CapsuleHouse. Who has made many more NFTs before? The total number of NFTs in his account is 19.5K. Here is the user link of the creator:-

This creator is very interested in NFT. Due to which almost half a lakh worked with NFT. And the number of which is constantly increasing. Such interest brings quite a change in the world of NFT. As a result, the NFT marketplaces developed in a concise span of time. Hence, the interest in NFTs grows. He should start working on these.


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A Few Words About Myself: -

I am Md. Abu Hena Sarkar. And my nickname is Sagor. I am an independent conscious boy. That always puts freedom first. I love writing, reading, photography, videography, analysis, and learning about the unknown. I am a sociable boy.

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