My Digital Art:-10!! Colorful Cats of the night-From Tron Fan Club For NFT! 10% Beneficiary for @tron-fan-club💎

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago

Hello everyone

I hope my favorite Tron fan club art-loving friends everyone is fine. I'm fine too. Today again I came back with a cat photo art blog. My art is about a cat.

❤️Friends, today I will draw a picture of a colorful cat digitally. Today's digital art is a picture of a cat looking back at a Cat of the night. Let's see how I make fun of art.

My friends 👫, let's start with my digital art colorful Cats of the night👦💻🎨

My final art in colorful Cats of the night:👦💻🎨
About My Digital Art colorful Cats of the night: 💻🎨


Many of us cats love. Some people keep cats as pets. Cats are found in every home in our environment. Cats are animals of a quiet nature but are sometimes a little frightening. We all affectionately call the cat Pushi.

About My Digital Art colorful Cats of the night Processes:
  1. Friends, I do this art with AutoCAD software. AutoCAD uses a variety of tools, such as -Line, Polyline, Erek, Spline, and Circle.
  1. I use Adobe Photoshop CS5 just for coloring and background. Paint with Adobe Photoshop and enhance the image.
My Digital Art colorful Cats of the night Processes:💻🎨


I painted the art of the cat's picture a little crookedly with a polyline. Then I started to draw my cat ears and step up to my size.
Then I started to draw my cat ears and step up to my size.

My Digital Art colorful Cats of the night Processes:💻🎨


Then I took the cat's front legs, tail, and some lines.

My Digital Art colorful Cats of the night Processes:💻🎨


I kept drawing the picture of the cat well and moved it a little in the hope of getting it in a beautiful position. After that, I tried to give the lines in the right way by observing each step well. After that, I finished my photo art and made a PDF. And i make it suitable for coloring.

Starting the process of coloring my digital art colorful Cats of the night Processes:💻🎨


I do a JPG from Photoshop

The color process of my digital art colorful Cats of the night Processes:💻🎨
Color process-1Color process-2


I first start coloring with bright brown color and bright blue. And what I do is continue to the color along with selecting colors with Photoshop eyedropper

The color process of my digital art colorful Cats of the night Processes:💻🎨
Color process-3Color process-4


I keep coloring and selecting colors step by step and with each step, I paint as I wish.
After I finish painting color all the parts, through Photoshop I make some changes for a little difference, which makes my art presentation much more beautiful. This was the last coloring of my cat art. But I hope everyone will like the picture of my presence

My Art Devices::
DeviceWalton aptop
Art SoftwareAutoCAD
Coloring and backgroundAdobe Photoshop CS5
Art takes time2hr
Art By@rsalim
Concept Of My Art


My artistic idea was to see a cat, I was going out of the house last night just then I had a cross with a cat. The color of the cat was gray and reddish. When the cat crossed with me, he was momentarily seeing back towards me.
he knows if I tell him something or kill him for fear.
I love pets so much that the cat didn't know it. Anyway, at least I didn't go down without explaining myself first. So, friends, I like this cat picture, I do my digital art. I know foreigners keep cats in their country with more care than in our country, and that's why I made art for not. I hope will be interested in buying this beautiful cat art of mine. So I also want to sell my art intron ​​based nft market.
I will list this art as NFT soon.



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