Home Work Task of Tron Fan Club Tutorial || Contest entry by @rabiu365 (10% for @tron-fan-club)

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago

Hello friends,
How are you all. I hope everyone is well with the blessings of the great creator. I am also well with your prayers. I hope everyone will be careful.Today, first of all, I would like to thank my brother @engrsayful who has organized such a beautiful competition. Today I will present the answers to the housework in front of you.



  • 1:Explain the security feature of Blockchain.



Security Feature of Blockchain
  • The security system in Blockchain makes it almost unbreachable. Blockchain is decentralized. So it can't be corrupted by simply corrupting a single server. To breach into the system and Tamper with it, one has to tamper with at least half of the user running the Blockchain, or else the system will autocorrect itself. The number of users is in millions if not billions, making it almost impossible to tamper with Blockchain.

  • 2: What do you mean by mining in Blockchain?



Mining in Blockchain
  • Blockchain is a series of blocks joined together. This block contains all the data (generally Transaction information) in the Blockchain and must have a specific hash. A block holds a field called Nonce. If we change Nonce, the Hash changes entirely due to the avalanche effect. Mining, in simple terms, is to iterate through The Nonce to get the Hash. When the Nonce can satisfy the required Hash, the block is added to the Blockchain. This Nonce is called golden Nonce by Miners. Miners get the transaction fee related to the transaction for their effort to find the golden Nonce. That's how mining works.

  • 3:What do you mean by DPoS system of mining? Differentiate Proof of Stake and Proof of Work.



DPoS System of Mining
  • DPoS is an evolution of previous PoS. Similar to Pos, user stakes their Coin in the pool to mine. But here, instead of mining themselves, they outsource (Vote) Delegates to mine for them. Delegates give a commission to their electors from their rewards.

Differentiate Proof of Stake and Proof of Work
  • In PoS, the user stakes their Coin in the pool and gets the right to mine. So, in case of fraud or failure to complete the mining, they get penalized with their Coin. In contrast, PoW is to mine the Coin using Bruteforce iterating through Nonce. Here Anyone can become a miner. In the case of a Similar block, the Node in which the next unlike block is mined gets accepted. With time difficulty to mine in Pos is decreased so that anyone can mine. Whereas in PoW difficulty to mine is increased, so that a constant rate of supply is maintained with the increasing miners. As the difficulty in Blockchain increases, miners are forced to use high-end GPUs and processors. This is one of the reasons why PoS is more environment-friendly than Pow. But PoS is not suitable for newer Blockchain as organizations can stake higher Coins and cause a 51% attack. So, Blockchain usually starts with PoW and shifts towards more environment-friendly PoS.

  • 4: Why boundaryless trading is important?



Boundaryless trading
  • More than 160 are currently circulating in the world. As the world is revolutionalizing towards online culture, we are coming in contact with foreign trade more than ever. Still, today when we open most websites, we can see the number of currencies they accept is less than 10. So how can we participate in trade when we can't even pay. This can be solved by boundaryless currency. That is just one example of importance. The traditional currency goes through devaluation during inflation, war, or even political instability. So, people suffer financial losses during this time. But if we use Cryptocurrency that has the same value around the world, we can easily avoid the situation.

  • 5: Differentiate Cryptocurrency and Blockchain.



Cryptocurrency and Blockchian
  • Blockchain is a decentralized, immutable ledger spread across the network. Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange in the Blockchain. Cryptocurrency is the digital currency that we can use in the network, while Blockchain is the record of our spending cryptocurrency and other various data. The primary purpose of Cryptocurrency is to create a boundaryless and stateless transaction medium. But Blockchain's primary goal is to create a secure and immutable ledger leveraging the Decentralized system.

And today I finished the home work task here. I don't know how much I was able to present it in front of you. But I tried to present it well. I hope you will like it. I am saying goodbye here today wishing everyone good health.

Yours Ever



Thanks To EveryOne To Read My Post

 2 years ago 

one has to tamper with at least half of the user running the Blockchain

Well explained about the security. Thanks for your participation.

Thanks brother for your valuable comments.

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