in Tron Fan Clublast year



The banking system in general is falling apart because it is allow been a Ponzi scheme. What they do is take other people's money and then use it to create money out of thin air and then give it to people all around the world. This is what the banking system has been doing for years which has led to US dollars losing 95% of their value over the last hundreds and some other countries currency is even far worst. There are so many evil things we have seen in the banking industry, but there is nothing left to be seen and the escape valve has been cryptocurrencies. It gives us the ability to go into the digital world and take the perspective on money to a whole new level.

It is quite ironic that even the bank that is claiming that crypto is dangerous is the bank that we are seeing collapsing. Banks like Credit Suisse said they don't want the deal with crypto because they have a reputation to protect. Unfortunately, the government is saying that crypto causes this problem, but they fail to admit that it is their trillions of dollars in money printing, corruption, and nepotism. You can't base a system on a lie and expect that system to be stable. Every time the banks fail, everyone has to pay for their bad decision but the irony of it is that every time they succeed on our backs, they get the money. What they do with that financial power is buy up politicians and media to convince people that they are good.

We are going to live in a world where these banks don't exist in this way anymore because of the solution to this upcoming exit in this format because the solution to this upcoming too-big fail plus. The national debt of the US, there is in a liquidity crisis with the dollar right now, and the rest of the world is trying to get off of it because they don't want to be on the sinking ship. This fractional reserve banking system is on its last leg, it will not last another 20 to 40 years.

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