What is Bitcoin? | Bitcoin explanation series part:01 || 10% for @tfc

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago
today 09 March,2022
আজ ২৪ই ফাল্গুন,১৪২৮ বঙ্গাব্দ



I would like to begin my discussion today by conveying my sincere greetings and love to all the members of the esteemed congregation.।

You have to know from the beginning to the end of a thing if you want to work on something first, then you have a complete idea about that work. And as a result of which those tasks later become easier and more perfect. That's why we need to know what blockchain is or how it works, in the long run, thinking about blockchain. That's why I'm trying to share with you all the knowledge I have about blockchain. So today I am going to discuss what is Bitcoin? In fact, every bitcoin blockchain is related to each other, so we should have an idea about these things. And so I am analyzing these things step by step according to the plan. I hope today's post will be very useful for you. So let's start with the main discussion.


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  • What is Bitcoin?

Some of the questions that come to mind are: What is Bitcoin, or how does Bitcoin work? Maybe many people know and many people don't know, so I have arranged this episode on my own to answer these questions. You all know and understand about the internet and thanks to this internet the face of the world has changed today. From what is not available on the internet today to all kinds of important articles, all kinds of transactions, even bus train tickets. And using this internet we continue to earn money. And one of those ways is the discovery of Bitcoin.

The Bitcoin journey began in 2008 with the hand of an unknown person named Satoshi Nakamoto. And its first circulation was in 2009. And this bitcoin is a digital currency that doesn't really exist, just a number in the internet world.


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Bitcoin is a currency that has no specific ownership. This means that it is a decentralized currency, meaning that anyone from any part of the world can use and transact this currency as well as take advantage of it. And every bitcoin transaction is recorded on the blockchain. Which works a lot like a bank account. It is basically like a record of all types of transactions made by Bitcoin. This is why all Bitcoin transactions and activities are organized and free of adulteration.

All Bitcoin data is spread around the world through blockchain networks. And anyone can see this information if they want, which increases its transparency many times over. And there is no third-party intervention so it is completely safe.


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You may know Bitcoin but limited. In other words, Bitcoin runs out of natural resources, just like gold, after a certain amount of withdrawals. And the fixed amount of this bitcoin is two crores. And it is not possible to make or produce more Bitcoin than this amount. And that's why all users who use Bitcoin share this money among themselves. And the popularity of Bitcoin is increasing day by day. At some point, people will leave the third party and see that they are leaning towards Bitcoin.

This was my important post today. I hope this post will be very helpful for you and you will know a lot. And in the future, I will present to you more important information about this bitcoin, just like today.

My identity :

Firstly I am a Bengali. And secondly, I am a Steamian warrior. So far I have achieved so much. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. As a student and apprentice, I'm learning from everyone. At the same time, I'm an independent thinker. I publish these in front of you.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 58613.96
ETH 3153.58
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43