Homework task of Tron Fan Club tutorial || participated by @mdriart || 10% to @tron-fan-club

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago (edited)


Hi all my dear friends. How are you..? I hope fine by the grace of Almighty. Today I'm going to join in the contest "homework task of tron fan club tutorial ". Which is arranged by our honourable moderator @sagor1233.

At first i would like to thank @sagor1233 for arranging such an wonderful contest. Throughout joining of the contest I could able to learn many important things about the popular nft market place. You all know that I'm an artist. It’s my dream to make nft art and publishing in the market place for sell. And my dream is going to be truth because of helping of our honourable moderator. There are 4 different post by process link has given in the contest announcement post. Reading with full concentration I could able to open and account to the marketplace. There are 4 questions has given for the 4 different tutorial. We have to answer to join in the contest.

Now I'm going to start to join in the contest by answering of 4 questions.

Question no : 01

Read the first tutorial and Review this marketplace with your own thoughts.

  • Readin the first post attentively I would able to gain more knowledge about the market place. The name of the market is NFTONE.NET

  • Entering to the first link of the post, I was brought in the marketplace and visited well. At first I looked the art of Monalisa as the logo of this market place It's looked something different and unique of the art. Then I visit the website to know more about it. It’s a tron based marketplace. It means all of the transection held by trx coin.

  • Then I clicked on the option Explore. After clicking I have got many nft art which is published here by different user. Who want to sell their creation here. They upload their creation here biding a minimum(start price) and maximum price. They also set up the date. Most of the biding date is set for 30 days here. We also can upload our creation just for reviewing. Which is tagged "not for sell"

We can get our expected price from here for our mint. We just make the quality art and describe well about the mint.

Question no : 02

Discuss how to create an account in this marketplace.

  • Now I'm starting to discuss how to create an account in this marketplace. I didn’t have any idea about the marketplace. Visiting the 2 nd post link fro. the announcement post. I could know well that how to open a new account. Our honourable moderator explained well in the post about creating the new account. To create an account we should enter to the link .

  • Then we will be brought to the home interface of the the marketplace. Then we should convert the screen of our phone into desktop mood. Better, if we use a PC or laptop to complete the process. However, now we can see the option Login to the corner of the screen. We should click on the options.

  • Then we have to click on the option tronlink. Then we have to choose the operating system of the device. I used Android operating. This is why i clicke on the android.

  • Then we have to install the tronlink wallet. And then we must add our own tron wallet. If we have already an wallet, then we should import this otherwise we have to open a new wallet and login here. I already have a tron wallet. So I imported it and logged in here.

  • Then I clicke on option which is marked below to the 5th stape. And then I searched writing the name of the marketplace nftone.net. And then I logged in there and after logging in I got the option tronlink . Then I clicked on the option and I successfuly able to creat my account here.

  • Then It’s time to customise my profile. I clicked on the edit option. And I got the option to add my profile picture and the cover Photo. I also added some personal information in the description box. And I added my Facebook id link, Twitter id, here. And at last i clicked on the save button. And successfully edited my profile.

Question no : 03

Please Include How To Become a Publisher.

  • Almost we have done the 60% to be an nft maker. To upload our mint in the marketplace. We have to become a publisher. To become a publisher. We have to do a simple task. To the corner of my phone I can look an option such like that "become publisher". We should click on the option.

  • Then we got the interface where we can look our user I'd name which cannot be changed. Then we have to add our gmail acount. And we also have to upload a qualities nft art here as proof that I'm a quality nft maker. The image size should be less than 30 mb . Then we have to ensure their terms conditions and privacy policy. And at the last stape I have to click on the option submit. And then I successful complete the process to become a publisher.

Question no : 04

Mint your own NFT & Write a short blog about it.

  • After submitting the process to become a publisher. We have to wait for their approval. Still I didn’t get their approval to mint my own nft here. I have to wait for few hours to be permitted to mint my own nft here

Vising the last post link I could successfully able to know about the uploading process of my own nft art.

  • After approving they will send me an Email such like that I have successfully become a publisher. Then I will get the option to the corner of the screen create. after clicking on the create option I will get many options. We have to upload my own nft art at first. Then we have to set the ending date. We can set about 2 /3/4/.... Months. Then we have to fix the Start price and instant price here. Then we have to set the collectibles name, collection name and describing unique something about the art. Then we have to click on the option create. After that it will be charged about 95 trx to upload per nft art. If we agree with this. Then we have to click on the option I agree then we should ensure following 2 or 3 process. To upload an nft art we shoud put about 200trx in our own account. It’s will be charged about 150 trx as gas fee. Then we will be able to upload our own made nft art here for sell.

Specially thanks to all for supporting me. I hope it will be a well journey in the new nft art platform

Thanks all for visiting my post.


You have completed the housework very nicely, brother. Your presentation was very good. Everything is neatly arranged and presented to us. Which I like a lot. Good luck to you.

You have explained your homework in a very clear manner. Great job buddy. I hope you will get higher grade for this.

I am very happy to see that you have participated in the competition. There are many blessings for you. I hope you will be in a good position. Thanks bro.

 2 years ago 

Hi @mdriart,

Thanks for participating in this Homework task on NFT Marketplace.

Your Total Marks On This Homework Task:-

Read the first tutorial and Review this marketplace with your own thoughts.7/10
Discuss how to create an account in this marketplace.8/10
Please Include How To Become a Publisher.8/10
Mint your own NFT & Write a short blog about it.7.5/10

Feedback & Suggestions:-

  • Nicely done your homework task. It's very informative & you performed well.
  • In your 4 tasks, You have to mint your original artwork & share this NFT link in your next post.

Thank you so much.

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