Home Work Task of Tron Fan Club Tutorial ( Part: 02 ) || (the largest nft market place : Open Sea) || 10% to @tron-fan-club

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago

Hi all my dear friends. How are you all. I hope fine. I'm also fine by the grace of Almighty. Today I'm going to join in the competition arranged by our honourable moderator @sagor1233. Specially I would like to thank him for arranging such an wonderful and important competition for us. By joining in the competition I could learn about many important things in the nft world.

I'm an artist and I like to draw any kind of drawing and painting. So this is the better and perfect source to publish my artwork through the market place now I'm going to start to describe about the market place.

Question : 01 :

Read the first tutorial and Review this marketplace with your own thoughts.

I could able to know about this market place few months ago visiting the post of our honourable moderator @sagor1233. This is a etherium based nft market place. It means the transaction will be held by etherium. At the first I opened the site with my mobile phone and I got such like an interface.

At the front page we can see it’s written that this is the world first and the largest nft market place. And In that page we can see a trending and famous nft art. There are many options we can see. If we click on the explore we will be able to see more and more collection from here. Then we can visit all the collection, and we can buy any kind of nft from here at the Top of the interface we can see the search option. If we want to be a publisher we must have an nft waller such like as metamask. Because it the popular wallet.

On the others hand we can mint our nft here for free. We just have to select the transection coin from etherium to polygon. So, we should create a metamask wallet at first.

Question : 02

Discuss how to create an account in this marketplace.

Now I'm going to discuss how to create an account in the largest nft market place opensea. To creat an account we must log in a crypto nft wallet, so we should click on the option create. Then we will get some option of wallet. As the metamask is popular, so we should log in with the metamask by clucking.

If we doesn’t have any metamask wallet, we mush create it. Now I'm describing how to create a wallet of metamask. At the first we have to download the app of metamask from the play store. And then we should open the app, such like the interface we can see here.

Then I clicked on the option get started. After that sorry to say that there was no option to take nay screanshot. This I why I'm describing without any screanshot page of the process.

After clicking on the get started option. There are two option we can see.

  • 1st : create a wallet
  • 2nd : import wallet

If you have already the wallet of metamask then yiu should import it. And if you don’t have any wallet of metamask, you should click on the option "create a wallet ".

  • As I don’t have any wallet so I had to create a new wallet.
  • After clicking on the option I got some terms and condition. Then I clicked on the option "I agree"
  • To the next option I was asked for my password. We have to set a password for twice to confirm. Then we have to click on the option "create"
  • To the next stape I would be asked for security key. In future if we lost the password, Then we can recover it by the security key. Then some phrase word will be given to maintain by the serial number. We should write down all the words on the paper or on the note pad and keep it safe. Then we have to confirm it. And thet will congratulate us that the wallet has been opened successfully.


  • Then we have to log in the wallet from the browser to opensea. After that we should log in to the wallet in opensea. Then we will get such an interface and we should click on the option sign in.

Question : 03

Please Include How To setup your account as like professional.

Now I'm going to describe how to set up our account easily. To set up our account. We should go to our profile page.

There is a option settings we can look at the side. Then we should clicked on the option. And after that the profile editing process will be started. Then we should set our name, bio, and then we have to upload our profile picture and the cover image. We also have to add our email address and Twitter account. So that the buyer can easily contract us.

After that an email will be sent in our address. Then we should confirm it from the email message. Thus we can successfully set up our profile.


Question : 04

Mint your own NFT & Write a short blog about it.
Now I'm going to explain how can I mint nft art in opensea for free. Opensea is the lagest and greatest nft platform. Where there are many famous nft art is presented for sell. Here we can easily upload our nft for free. Now I'm describing about it stape by stape. At the first we see the option "create", we just click on the option.

Then I got the interface like that. Where we have to upload the selected item. And then there are many options we can see. Firstly I uploaded the art at first. Then I selected the unique name of the art. And then I wrote a short description about the mint.

Then I selected the network from etherium to polygon. Because It's Doesn't charge any gas fee. Then I clicked on the option create.

And then I successfully able to mint the iten in the OPENSEA blockchain.

Question : 04

List your own NFT & Write a short blog about it.

Now I'm going to describe about the listing process as NFT for free in opensea. To list our own made nft for sell we should click on the option sell.

Then we will see such a interface where the etherium has selected for the default coin. We should fix an amount as our demand for the art. Then we have to select the validity of the art. You can select 24 hours, 7 days, 15 days, 30 days as your mind.

Then we have to complete some confirmation task for three times by logging in. And then we will be able to list the item as nft for sale.


After switching the wallet to polygon. I successfully added the nft art for sale.


I feel really happy to complete the homework task and in future I will mint many nft art. Because it my dream to work as nft maker.

Thank all for visiting my post


I'm glad to see your homework. I too will finish my homework very quickly. Best wishes and blessings for you.

I'm glad to see your homework. Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Wow, you have completed the homework task in a very beautiful way. Very nice.

You have presented the homework very nicely. There was a lot of important information in your post today. Many good wishes for you.

I'm glad to see your homework. I, too, will complete my homework quickly. I send you my best wishes and blessings.

You've done your homework nicely. And it has been much better for beginners to simply present.

You have done great in participating in this contest.
You work is self explanatory and I encourage you to keep it up.

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