Why Blockchain Gaming is the future

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago (edited)
Hello my fellow Tron lover. How are you all? Alhamdulillah I am well by the grace of almighty ALLAH.


Gaming is changing day after day. It’s evolution is constant. If you notice, modern day games are miles ahed of the games we used to play in our childhood. From story to graphical changes and gameplay improvements,modern day games looks nothing like the games we used to play. The difference between is massive. All this has been possible by modern technology with different ideas and more capable devices. But there is always room for more improvements and with time it will evolve.



Currently at the moment,Blockchain Gaming looks like the future of gaming. If you try to think about it, all these times we’ve had played various different games in our life but from then to now we don’t even own the items we’ve had bought throughout the years in different games. All the items we’ve spend our money on still belongs to that specific game developers. It’s not your property what so ever. But in the Blockchain Gaming technology,the idea is to give you permission and control over the items you own.



In normal games ,when you are done playing with a specific game,if you wish to sell your assets to other player’s,it won’t be possible because it doesn’t matter if you’ve acquired any items in that game by playing a long time. The ownership still belongs to that gaming company. Well, you could sell the account technically but it doesn’t go with the rules and standards with that gaming company. If somehow they figured it out,they will ban your account. So basically you are spending money to get in-game things which are actually isn’t yours. On the other hand in Blockchain gaming, everything you get or buy belongs to you. You are the only owner of that assets and you have the complete right to trade or sell your items with others if you please.



So when you are done with a game you may sell the items you’ve had payed to get or got em by investing a lot of time in that game. Basically in every Blockchain games there are unique and special different items such as characters,wearables,skins,consumables. They each and one of them will be unique and the player’s will be the actual owners. They can and will sell those items as NFT’s(Non Fungible Tokens) and these item’s price could vary depending on the rarity and demand. So suppose if anyone has bought an item for a certain amount of money. If the demand increases, they can sell that item for double the price or even more. In this way players will also be able to make a huge profit. So its a win win situation for everyone. You own your digital asset and can buy or sell them to earn various crypto tokens.

This was my opinion about how Blockchain gaming could change the gaming industry forever. If you disagree or have any better opinions and ideas, feel free to tell me in the comments. That’s all for today. Hopefully we will meet again in another post with another topic. Till then take care and stay safe.


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The combination of gaming and blockchain is the best innovation for the future @labib2000 thanks for sharing

 2 years ago 

Thank you also for sharing your thoughts with us.

Hi @labib2000
Great topic and this is even trending in social media. Blockchain gaming is a new segment in crypto and it has got attention by so many people including gamers and investors.

at the moment,Blockchain Gaming looks like the future of gaming. If you try to think about it, all these times we’ve had played various different games in our life but from then to now we don’t even own the items we’ve had bought throughout the years in different games

this is true and this comes only with blockchain gaming where we have the option of play to earn and along with this investment to earn is also available. I play splinterlands and its a great example as of now. Solid write-up my friend

 2 years ago 

Thanks a lot brother. Really excited to know about what the future might hold.

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