Gaming on the Metaverse / Tron Fan Club

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago (edited)
Hello my dear friends. how is everyone doing today? I hope everyone is doing alright in this blessed month. I am doing well alhamdulillah.


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slowly day by day people are learning more and more about the metaverse. The metaverse has unlocked a huge potential to the online gaming platforms. Crypto games are getting popularity day by day. Each day more and more people are showing interest into the blockchain based games. As of now there are many crypto related games available on the internet. And some games are also available or in the production. These games are based on the metaverse. These type of games could make a big difference on the gaming community soon. The Sandbox is a game based on the metaverse. I haven't played this game yet but I shall soon give it a try. so far I've seen some ads about this game. And so far it looks very promising to me. The concept of this game is almost identical to minecraft. The gameplay is almost the same you could say. But there are some major difference or at least I think so.


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I think most of you are familiar with the game known as minecraft. Its a greatly popular game with tons of players available. Its a game of building blocks. You can build almost anything in this game. The only limit is your imagination. In this game you get a small portion of land where you have to start collecting resources such as woods, rocks and various other items in order to build certain objects. You can gather the items by freely roaming the map and after collecting you can start building the object you wish to. You can also team up with your friends and build the object faster. There are also different tasks available and different quests to complete. BY completing such quests you could gather valuable resources much quicker.

For the most part, the sandbox is also the same. The concept of this game is 60/70% same to minecraft. The main difference of both of them is that one is non blockchain related and one is a crypto based game. Yes, the sandbox is a crypto game which has it's own crypto currency in the game. It's called sand. Currently a single sand has a value of approximately 2.25 usd. Which is quite good I must say. In this game you can build stuffs the same as minecraft but the difference is you could sell your building or other things you've made online to other players for valuable sands. As a result, you could earn a good amount of money along with it. Ypu will get a fun time and at the same time earn crypto tokens too. This is a major go for the unemployed youths who simply waste their time by playing other games which doesn't pay you back normally. But in the sandbox the scenario is completely different. Here you can share your creativity and sell them and get paid in the process. Since I haven't played this game, so I still don't have all the info regarding to this game. But I shall soon play this game and share my experience with you. I think this game will be a game I won't leave soon. After playing for some time I will give my review and will try to point out the good and the bad sides of this game. Till then you have to wait a bit more longer.


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That's all for today. Hopefully we shall meet again soon about more to discuss about the sandbox. Till then take care and stay tuned. Goodbye.


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I was listening to Metaverse gaming a few days ago. Today I got some good information from your post. Many thanks bro for sharing.

Thanks for shareing information about this metaverse. Its totally a new concept it will be amazing if tron blockchain could be in this new metaverse technology .

This is really very educational Article. Personally, I have some good interest in Metaverse gaming. However, still, I have not joined with any MetaverseProject. But I hope to research more about it. Thank you very much for this interesting explanation.

When i read "this is all for today", i felt like why did you have to stop because i enjoyed read this from the beginning. I have never done any game on the metaverse before but this interests me and i will try one soon.

 2 years ago 

Good to know that you are interested about this segment. I shall upload more posts about this topic. Please stay tuned.

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