The Evaluation of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 | 10% for @tron-fan-club

When the internet started it was not like today, we could only consume information on the internet i.e. the internet was based on a read-only concept, so we could not take any action. We could only see articles, images, etc. It was the earliest version known as web 1.0. Then came a transformational period around 2004 when Web 2.0 entered. Many changes have come in Web 2.0 and the number of users of the Internet has increased, at the same time mp3, mp4, and shopping have become popular, as a result of which the user has not only got the opportunity to view data, but also to create data. And there is an opportunity to share your comments and opinions. And there is an opportunity to share one's comment opinion as a result of which many types of platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have come forward. As their popularity has increased, advertising on these platforms has also increased and an unlimited variety of content and services have entered the Internet.


Since the number of users is very high and the variety of information is very high, everyone's needs have become very different. To use our experience, the website has started collecting data from us to reach us with service content and products according to our needs. For example location, contact details, other personal information, etc.

Analyzing various data and giving relevant suggestions for us but since all sites have some negative impact here also the problem starts. Misuse of user data starts and manipulation with of our data for the benefit of advertising and branding. These platforms start sharing our personal data. Our data is sold to companies based on our online activity. And they can delete us or our content from their platforms at any time. That is, we do not have full ownership of our work. A very large percentage of our revenue goes to these platforms. As a result, the era of Web 2.0 is coming to an end and Web 3.0 is beginning to emerge. Web 3.0 will be a completely decentralized world. That is, the company's founder, CEO or their policies will not have any control over our privacy or usage.
A future world where we are the owners, users, and creators. Decentralized means no individual, organization or single place has any form of control.


Great job on explaining the evolution of the internet and the potential of Web 3.0, your post is very informative and well-written!

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