Blockchain Trilemma....#007

in Tron Fan Club9 months ago


Today I will be continuing on my discussion about blockchain trillema, there are alot I am hoping to talk on this and hopefully any reading through will be able to benefit.

Last time on the topic i discussed about what happens when a blockchain is not decentralized which we see that in that even the blockchain suffers greatly.

Today I will want us to talk about something more about the trillema.

Today I will like us to talk about the advantage knowledge of trillema give to developers.

Advantage Of Knowledge Of The Trillema

Awareness and Decision-Making: When the knowledge of trillema becomes paramount and developers becomes aware of it not just being aware but recognize the trillema it will impact the decision making of this developers.

The advantage is this being aware of the trillema helps developers and stakeholders to make correct decision about what should be the priority of their blockchain project.

I mean knowing about the trillema can help developers make a better trade-offs decision that will really align with the the goal of the blockchain with their respective user base in mind to better satisfy them.

What am I saying, the thing is this, since developers have knowledge about the trillema, depending on what their goal is, if it's security or speed or decentralization they will know which one best satisfy what they are willing to achieve and make the necessary trade-off.

Customization: Customization of the blockchain system is one of the advantage of knowledge of the trillema.

When I talk about customizing I mean modifying the blockchain depending on its use cases to place more priority one of the trillema element over the the other.

When we customize depending on the usecase that is what we are let's say a financial institution will more likely place more emphasis or priority on security since they deal with high influx of cash while a blockchain is more likely to prioritize decentralization especially if it's a public chain.

A public blockchain ia more likely to place more emphasis on decentralization to ensure the trust and integrity of that system.

Diverse Use Cases: Also being aware of this trillema enables flexibility. It is evident that all blockchain must not necessarily have all three of decentralization, scalability and security.

It help us to acknowledge one simple fact, which is, all chains don't need to effectively have all three attributes.

Which means or made it possible to have variety of blockchain today with different use cases, we have highly secured blockchain, permissioned blockchain which is more suitable for organization and we have decentralized permissionless chain most suitable for cryptocurrencies.


Indeed a healthy knowledge of the trillema is advantageous I mean if not solve it then it could help developers and others work their way around it and find most suitable solution for them

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