NFT AND GAMING by @cutlass - 10% to TFCsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago


The term NFT has been a trend in the crypto world lately, people with digital art skills are now taking the world by storm and better still many people are playing the NFT games and making a living from it. In most cases though when the word NFT is said out loud the first thing that comes to one's mind is digital art, i can relate to that just for the sake that when NFT started out it was solely Art before the gaming aspect of it was later introduced, then other forms of NFT like music and tweets etcetera.
Although NFTs have been around since as far back as 2014 just after cryptocurrency started to make waves the concept was not widely adopted until 2020/21 and as of 2021, the total NFT market was worth around $41 billion which was as much as the Art market itself was worth.

A Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is a digital asset that is 100% unique and irreplicable and is monitored/built on a blockchain that can be sold, bought, or exchanged for assets or currency of any sort which are in some cases built to reflect a real life object or not depending on the artist. Now fungible token games are games that are built and designed to entertain a user and give total ownership of assets acquired while playing in-game which implies that user can sell or exchange his in-game asset for crypto or other NFTs.

I am sure that we all know without a doubt that gaming has a big place in the future, and this concept was adapted in the crypto space which birthed the idea of NFT games, these are play 2 earn games which implies that as you play you obtain items in-game that can be exchanged for digital currency hence cash, below is a list of NFT games currently on mainstream




Most circular games we play as individuals like Call of Duty, GTA V, FIFA e.t.c we play strictly for fun and competition between our friends or with total strangers we meet online, individuals usually play these games for fun and or to waste time, but the NFT games were designed to be fun while at the same time Income generative, in some NFTs like blockchaincuties it is possible to earn as much as 100$ daily from playing and I think this feature is why I believe NFT games will be more engaged in recent times coming


Another advantage of NFT games over other games is the fact that it inspires creativity for instance other games come with predefined characters and all we are allowed to do is design or customize characters as we see fit but NFT in this case gives one the opportunity to be free and go beyond boundaries and create any kind of character one wants to create or any sort of art he wants to design and use in the game


In NFT games assets or collectibles acquired in-game or purchased are 100% that individuals as no two exact assets exist if one owns a character it is completely his and only he can choose to either sell trade or exchange for other assets.



A big spoiler most other games try to avoid is the pay-to-win feature where the more you spend on a game the more likely you are to succeed or beat other players in the game during competition or the general gameplay. Most NFT games have this issue and it’s somewhat discouraging as not all people can afford to buy characters or quirks in in-game play so they tend to quit out of frustration even from the beginning


Most NFT games are not really focused on small details like how characters battle, movements of characters, general gameplay background or even storyline and adventures these games are mostly focused on basic characters display minimal adventures and little amount of effort is made towards making the game worth playing for hours non stop without getting bored hence most individuals just go on like check a few stats browse around the market and exit unlike other games where one spends hours going through adventures doing competitions and personally to me this is the biggest buzzkill NFT games have in relation to other games

In conclusion, we know the gaming industry is revolutionizing the world, why just play games when you can play to earn instead, that's why the NFT games I believe will take over the gaming industry with time (eventually) so I would advise everyone to join the moving wagon in its early stages and benefit.


You have said well and of course the NFT games has series of advantages which one of them is the true ownership factor but I also believe that it has in depth game play although I have not really played any NFT game before.

It does not have as compared to other games like GTA v and the rest

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