Web 3.0 and Metaverse

in Tron Fan Clublast year

Introduction:What is web3.0 ?


Web 3.0 is mainly based on decentralized networks or blockchain networks. An example of cryptocurrency can be given in this regard because cryptocurrency is based on the blockchain network. The backbone of the 3.0 network is the blockchain. A block is a network where many nodes are connected and share all the data with each other, when I connect my computer to them my computer is connected to a node. And any data can be uploaded here. That data will not only go to one node but an equal copy of this data will go to all the nodes.
When I upload such data to the network, a large part of the income will go to me and some part will go to the network for some of their maintenance costs or their other expenses. Those who have expended their resources in creating these notes must also have something to gain. So they will charge a very low service charge and the bulk will go to me. In a decentralized network, no one can make any changes to the data I provide, if any attempt is made, the node will be terminated. That is, my real data will be my only asset, so only I will get ownership of my data. And the privacy will be entirely in my hands to show what I want and to delete what I don't want.
A new application is coming in Web 3.0. That is Metaverse.


Now the question arises what is Metaverse?
The Metaverse will bring a whole new world and that world will be based entirely on the Internet. People will wear goggles or have a chip implanted in their brain and they will be transported to a whole new world and all they have to do is imagine, and immediately enter that new world. An example of a metaverse is the new world we see when we put on the glasses when we watch a 3D game or movie. If there is any limitation of work in the world, it will be possible to do it in Metaverse. My body will be confined indoors but thanks to the metaverse I will be able to travel around the world.


This is a nice article my friend, but your work would have looked more presentable if your link was presented well.

Use this markdowns to adjust your link

[source](your link)

Web 3.0 and Metaverse is a great article. I didn’t know about this. From you and your post I knew it.

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