

Bitcoin had largely moved in a four-year market cycle theory which is called the halving. Bitcoin halving is essential every four years written into Bitcoin's initial code by Satoshi Nakamoto. He implemented a mechanism where their reward was received for validating the network for mining blocks gets halved every four years. The four years cycle is coursed by the halving. We are seeing Coinbase suing the SEC, the SEC has always issued a Well notice the SEC and the Well notice is the step before the SEC takes before filling the SEC. Brian Armstrong even retweet the video of Gary Gensler when he was still a professor at MIT where he was to about the 2/3 of the crypto market is not a security.

According to the data of the glass node, the amount of Bitcoin held on Binance skyrocketed to 692,000 and this is because of the legal battle the Coinbase is facing with the SEC. I think people now trust centralized exchanges to keep their funds but I think it was before to hold your crypto in your hardware wallet. Some people even think that a large amount of Bitcoin moving to a centralized wallet means those are ready to be sold. Of course, wallets are not perfect but you just have to choose the one that is best for you.

Some people fund a minor vulnerability in their trust wallet and it is said to be because of the newly added feature on Trust wallet which is a browser extension. The vulnerability is that there is a bug in the browser extension making it easier for hackers to compute people's private keys. With some tools, hackers could generate all combinations possible to find an actual wallet of real users. PayPal recently announced a census 2023 that they are enabling on-chain transfer from Venmo account and it will allow fast transfer between Venom wallets. and Paypal wallet. All these big companies understand that crypto is not going away, and that is why they jumping on board.


 last year 

I need to talk to you regarding your consistent power-down issue. Please create a support ticket in our community's discord server immediately and mention me there. Otherwise you will not any support here from the community.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 60115.50
ETH 3192.77
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45