The Diary Game 1st March 2024 | That Day I Had My Job Exam in Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology

in Steem For Lifestyle3 months ago

The day was a testing day. I woke up early that morning, because I had to finish a lot of reading in the morning. Anyway I woke up very quickly and freshened up. Then I offered the morning prayer. After performing the morning prayer, I sat at the reading table. I sat at the reading table and studied for a while. But voting power in my account was almost done. Due to which I had to select some valuable posts and vote. By voting I adjusted my voting csi. Then I turned my attention back to the reading table.


I was reading the exam readings since morning. However I was not sure if the questions would be common at all. Anyway I continued my studies as best I could. Anyway I was concentrating on my studies till ten in the morning. I have to spend a lot of time to reach the exam center. Although my exam will start at 3:30 in the afternoon. But it was Friday night, and that's why we had to leave early.

I got ready by 10:30 am. After getting ready I rested for a while. Because my friend is not ready yet. Anyway I sat inside my room getting ready. At the same time, I am looking at some small topics. Anyway, I then captured a selfie in full preparation for going out.


Anyway, after that we left the house. Our exam center was at Bangladesh Engineering University. We wanted to get there early as we were not given a specific hall room for the exam. Due to which we have to hurry and find a seat there. First we crossed the duet area and reached the old open bus terminal. When we got there, we boarded the bus first. We boarded the bus and started our journey.

We boarded the bus. Most of the passengers in the bus were students. They were also going for the job test. Today our exam is at Dhaka Power Supply Company. Here we were invited as Assistant Engineers. Anyway, the bus was full of passengers. I captured a picture of this situation.


Then our bus started moving towards the destination. Anyway I was on my journey enjoying the nature outside while sitting in my seat. The sky was full of sunshine which made me feel a bit bored. But I have to reach even if it is difficult.

Then our passenger bus got on the highway. We were traveling over the flyover. At that time I felt very good in my mind. I was going to enjoy the outdoors. At that time, after getting on the flyover, toll was taken from our bus. Going to the toll counter, I felt good about the glittering environment. So I turned on my mobile camera and took a photograph.


After that we had a long journey of three hours. After a three hour journey we reached Bangladesh University of Engineering. We still haven't found our entry gate. But we were feeling quite hungry. Because of which we bought some food from a roadside man. We originally purchased muri. I took up a muri. The price of which was 20 Bangladeshi taka. That is, its current steem price list is mentioned below.

Muri20 bdt0.66 steem



Noticing quite busy here to eat muri. Anyway I ate this yummy food. I could taste it after eating. It was quite unique and different in taste. Anyway after eating muri I started looking for the exam hall. Because I have to reach there before time.

We passed by Bangladesh Engineering University. But we couldn't find any gate. Because we entered the residential area, where the students of Bangladesh Engineering University stay. Anyway I was pretty tired as I went. As I walked I came to a large shadowy place. When I got there, I happily took a photo. Because the atmosphere seemed very nice to me.


Then I found my desired center. We reached the center at two o'clock in the afternoon. I went to the center and looked for my seat. The roll numbers of the examinees were arranged serially on a banner in the university premises. I took a picture of it first and then found my room. My room number was 320. Anyway I entered my exam hall. Then I found my seat. My roll number was mentioned here.


I found the seat number. I had my seat in Mechanical Department of Bangladesh Engineering University. It is on the third floor of the building. Anyway I was quite happy to get my seat. My seat was at the front. I captured a picture of my seat.


Then I spent about half an hour sitting in the exam hall. Then the examiner came to the class and gave us the exam booklet. I took the notebook in hand and looked at it with pleasure. I completed the preliminary process by checking the ledger for any errors.

Finally our exam started. Our exam started at 3:30 pm. Our exam will continue till 4:30 PM. The jobs of 12 people will depend on the one-hour test. Although there were about six thousand candidates here. Anyway I finished the exam on time. After finishing the exam, I left the hall. Stepping out, I was quite impressed by the gathering of examinees. Where many seniors than me participated in the exam. Anyway I took a photograph of this situation.


Anyway I didn't delay after finishing the exam. I left early to come home. Then we walked towards Gulistan. It was nice to walk the streets of Gulistan. Anyway, we had to perform Asr prayer. And that's why we started walking towards Bangladesh Central Jame Masjid Baitul Mukarram. We have to perform Asr prayer while going there. I did several photography on the moving streets. Below I have shared two street photography.


After finishing the prayer, it is time to return home. I was a bit confused about how to return home. Anyway, I finally decided to return home by train. So we had to come from Gulistan to Kamalapur railway station. But we could not get a rickshaw. And for that we had to walk a lot of roads. Anyway we finally got a rickshaw. But the rickshaw fare was exorbitant. Still we had to come to Kamalapur railway station.


We purchased two tickets from Kamalapur railway station counter. The distance of this ticket was from Kamalapur to Joydevpur. Anyway the ticket price was 90 Bangladeshi taka. The current steem price list is mentioned below.

Ticket price90 bdt3.15 steem

After collecting the tickets we had to wait for quite some time for the train. Anyway, after a while the train came to the platform. Then we boarded the train. Then we took our seats in the train. There was a pleasant atmosphere inside the train. I captured an image inside the train on camera.


Then I reached Joydevpur station from Kamalapur after a long train journey. Then we took a rickshaw and came near our house. This is how my day went. As it was the day of the exam, the day was quite hectic. But I enjoyed every moment of the day. Thanks a lot for reading a long diary. May God bless you all and stay healthy always. Ending here wishing everyone long life.


 3 months ago 

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Take love From @max-pro ❤️

Hello good day, please I beg you brother can I be an admin in your lifestyle community, it would be an honour, haven't had that responsibility since coming here🤲


 3 months ago 

Thank you for your interest dear friend. Would love to see your activity in the community. We will knock you if necessary. Thanks for staying with the community.

Take love dear friend,💜

Aright will do my best, can I have your discord link to be able to contact you in the future

Aright will do my utmost, can I have your discord link

 3 months ago 

Off course


Thanks bro ❤️

 3 months ago 

You are a hard working person . You spent excellent day with variety works. Have a great day. Thanks for sharing brother of your diary game.

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