Is Suicide the Solution or Exist another solution?

Hello everyone in Steem For Lifestyle community. I hope you're all doing great. I want to thank @memamun for this awareness contest on suicide solution.



Suicide is passing on from harming oneself with death intention. To some people, it is the only solution to their current situation. In all age groups suicide is very common. This situation has no signs of warning, it happens immediately without any alerts that something was wrong.

There are warning signs of suicide;
Feeling trapped, social withdrawal, mood changes, talking openly about suicide, reckless behavior, sudden calmness, not finding joy and writing a note.

Presently the trend of suicide is increasing, explain why people are choosing to commit suicide.


One of the top 10 trending courses of death recently is suicide. It is hard to grasps why people just commit suicide. There are few causes of suicide which includes; life challenges, trauma history, mental illness, guilt, loneliness, shame, rejection, helplessness/hopelessness, being a victim.

There are situations that trigger suicide;

  • losing a job
  • dealing with the passing of a loved one
  • financial troubles overwhelming
  • losing a relationship
  • facing legal challenges.

Is suicide more common in boys or girls? why?

There is significant rate in gender differences in terms of suicide between male and female. There are different rates of suicidal behavior and suicide. Females often have the thoughts to be suicidal, while males die frequently by suicide. This is a gender paradox thing in suicide. Reasons why men commit suicide more than women;

  • Communication: when have this tendency of not being able to communicate about their mental health, or feelings, but resorts to keeping the emotions to themselves unlike women.
  • Roles in society: societal roles have pushed men to be tough and man up, or you're counted as weak if admit you're not fine.
  • Substance abuse: depression and alcohol have a thing together that most time mending to self medicate when they're anxious or depressed.
    -Financial pressure: when there's intense pressure and meant to provide it could bring about suicidal thoughts.

Depression is responsible for suicide, what is your advice for people suffering from depression?


There are certain ways to cope with depression and it to be good to have people look into these ways;

  • Be more active: exercise can lift moods, so take some form of exercise.
  • Stay in touch: socializing and keeping in touch with family and families can help you talk to someone when you feel alone.
  • Don't drink too much alcohol.
  • Try to eat healthy diet.
  • Face your fears
  • Get help.

Explain what steps you would take to reduce the tendency of young generation to commit suicide.

Everyone can assist to prevent suicide by promoting resilience and prevention, as well as learning the warning signs and being committed to social changes. Steps to take to prevent suicide;

  • create protective environment (substance you should be banned).
  • strengthen economic support (by improving financial security).
  • promote healthy connections.
  • provide/improve access to suicide care.
  • teach problem solving and teach coping skills.
  • notice/identify risky persons.

I would like to invite @josepha, @abi24 and @eveetim to join this contest.

 5 days ago 

It's true that depression is the cause of suicidal thoughts and suicide itself. It's understood some people maybe going through a lot, you have really taken time to advise them well.

Kudos to you and thank you for the invitation.

 4 days ago 

কনটেস্টের সঠিক ট্যাগটি সঠিকভাবে ব্যবহার করেননি। যার কারনে আপনার এই পোস্ট টি খুজে পাওয়া কষ্ট হবে

 3 days ago 

Yes everyone can assist by putting a smile on someone face because suicide is a shameful act that one don't even need to think about at all. Good luck on the contest.

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