The Diary Game - 02/05/2024 | Today I passed the Korean Language Exam

in Steem For Lifestylelast month

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Assalamu Alaikum friends hope you all are well. By the grace of God I am also well. So now I will share my diary game with you. I woke up first thing in the morning and prayed Fajr. I prayed and slept inside the hotel for a while. I needed to keep a cool head so I took a long nap.

So after that we all left the hotel together because after some time my exam. So I went out and had breakfast together. Then we left for the exam. I had four other friends with me who were also candidates. So I was going with them and there was a big flyover on the side of the road where I took a picture.

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After seven long months of preparation, I will take the Korean language proficiency test today. So a different excitement is working in me. In order to pass this exam, I have to take the exam with a lot of thought. So then I went in front of Boesl. The full form of boesl is BOESL (Bangladesh Overseas Employment and Services Limited).

So after going there I sat outside for quite some time because the exam will take a long time. So when I was sitting outside there were many other people. So I was sitting there with my friends when I met another friend there. Then as per the rules I stood in line and verified all my IDs. I was very excited to enter the exam hall after a while.



So then slowly it was time for the exam and I entered the coveted spot. Various checks were done there. There were many security measures. So there was Bangladesh Police and Bangladesh Army. So I passed them and went to my class room. I went there and saw that there was a beautiful arrangement.

There are separate seats for each student and there are CCTV cameras. So I went there and found my seat. Then the fixed time examination started. So gradually I found my questions were very easy and I answered all the questions. After some time I saw my score. So I was very happy to see the score. Because my exam was very good. I passed the exam with 185 marks out of total 200 marks. Then I came out and hugged my friend. Then I took a picture in front of the boesl.

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So I was very happy. I gradually told everyone about my desired results. First I called my sir. Then I called my father. Then I called all my relatives and informed them about my results and everyone was very happy.

So after that I waited there for quite some time because I had some other friends who had their exams. So after a while everyone's exam was over. So everyone did very well. So my other friend's result was very good. So he took us to the shop and gave us a special drink.



Then I went to the mosque and prayed. After praying, I prayed to God. Then I went out. So after a while it was a long time so we have to return home. That's why we came from there to the bus stand. After arriving we waited for the bus.

So it took quite some time for the bus to arrive. Then we got the bus. So after boarding the bus we sat together and had a lot of fun. I was passing under the largest flyover in Dhaka city. So this flyover is the biggest flyover in Dhaka city. It was beautiful to look at and it was beautifully painted. It looked huge. So I made a video of it and I was coming around to see the vios.


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Dhaka city is such a city that the city is always busy. Every person is busy to go to their workplace and because of that many cars are jammed around. There is a lot of jam especially at noon. So when we were coming it was afternoon time so there was not so much jam. Still I felt very bad because it was hot.

So after that I was sitting inside the bus and I told my results to my friends and everyone. So after that I came from there to direct Mohakhali flyover. Mohakhali flyover is the biggest flyover in Bangladesh. Through this flyover you can go to different places from Dhaka. So after reaching there I got off the bus. Then I came in another bus. From there I will come directly from Dhaka to Mymonsingh.

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I captured every moment during the trip in video form and below I have published it in gif form. So when I was on the road it was late afternoon and afternoon was turning into evening. So the environment around was very quiet. The busiest city of Dhaka was coming to my attention.

There were many tall buildings glistening in the sunlight. Anyway, I then moved to Momishing town. From Momishing I came to Bear City. So after the bear arrived I was waiting for a CNG. Because CNG has to come to Charei Sakhipur city. Then I got a CNG. So there was a bridge on the side of the road in the dark of night. I captured a few moments of colorful light from that bridge.


Today's trip took a long time. Because I spent four long hours inside the bus today. So then I reached Sakhipur city. After coming to Sakhipur city I brought sweets for everyone and fed them all. So after that I felt tired so I showered. I took a bath and prayed. I was sleeping after praying. So friends, this is how I passed today. Thank God for having such a beautiful day.

Post Details :

Photography Device nameXiaomi poco m2 pro
Photoshoot Date02-05-2024
Photoshoot locationDhaka, Bangladesh
Photos click by@max-pro


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