Contest week12: Share Your Lifestyle Diary Game

Hello and greetings everyone regarding to my fellow steemians colleagues and friends around the world, how are you all doing today i hope you fine and healthy as well as enjoying the beautiful moments July brings to us, by the way I'm @john247 from Nigeria, it all my pleasure and great delight to have you in this amazing contest "Lifestyle Diary Game." Organized here in #steem-for-lifestyle. I decided and volunteer to take part in this amazing contest to share with you all my lifestyle and also bring out my best when it comes to diary game and contest like.

Before proceeding in listing out my lifestyle and sharing photos of them with you I will like to give out the meaning and some explanation of lifestyle is all about.

Photos edited with gallery collage

A lifestyle can be defined as the usual way of life of a person, group, or society behaves and like wise the kind of characters they showcase and display around people as well as the things they loves or do for a living or for fun, lifestyle can also be seen as the identity and recognition of some or group of people.


My family are my number one priority because they provide me with almost everything i need as well showing me so much love and care when am around them, that's to say my family is among my lifestyle, it is always fun being close to people you love and those who love you just like family staying close to them is very good and healthy for your body and mind.


From the photo above you can clearly see that socializing with people mostly with my age grade and little children is a kind of my lifestyle and hobby that I showcase where ever I find my self the reason behind this is because having some time with them have a lot of impacts to my daily life such as they give me company when am bored, sharing different ideas as well opinion in that will help me a lot, and also I normally do associate with them to learn more from them gain more experience about people and their behavior.


My lifestyle is also associated with pets and animals, the loves I have for pet is extraordinary right from my childhood till now I like staying close to them, the love increased when I got my dog known as jack, jack a is friendly and obedient dog that every one will like to be with and despite the fact that dog are meant to chase people around but jack is not like that.


Healthy maintenance of the environment and surrounding am living is what I alway make sure it is done, most of us underestimate our health and well being because one thing or the other but am here to let you know that healthy living is very essential and important to our daily lives, what I usually do is to make sure that every waste is been dispose properly and everywhere is always clean and neat.


Exercise and sports activities are also my lifestyle and hobby because I love partaking in it, most especially football helps me gain physical fitness and as well improves my body posture, and also eating is among my hobbies and lifestyle because I love food so much that some people calls me foodie.

I have finally come to the end of this amazing contest which I will like to invite my fellow steemians @josepha, @adachukwu, @solperez and @radjasalman to take part in this contest thanks

 2 days ago 

Tienes una actitud muy favorable hacia las labores del campo. Se nora que adoras a los animales y gozas estar en grupo con amigos y familiares.

 18 hours ago 

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