Noah, peace be upon him, saw a woman crying

in You.Deserve3 years ago

Noah, peace be upon him, saw a woman crying, so he asked her why are you crying?
She said: Oh well, I cry over the death of my son when he was young and in the glory of his youth 😔😔
Noah asked her, peace be upon him, and what is the age of your son?
She said: Only 300 years !!


Noah said to her, with the intention of relieving her grief: What will you do?
If you live in a nation whose age does not exceed sixty years?
She said: Or is there someone who lives for sixty years only?
He said: Yes
She said: Are there those who disobey God in this short period?
He said: Most of them are disobedient to God
She said: Are they flocking to love the world when it is just days?
He said: Yes, their only concern is the love of the world and the few who think about the hereafter
She said: Do they argue among themselves over simple matters?
He said: Rather, they fight over the most insignificant matters
She said: Will they build huts for them and their lives in that short period?
He said: Rather, they rebuild the palaces for hundreds of years, then leave them and leave
She said: Oh, if I were to replace that nation, I would have spent my life under the shade of a tree and for the two sons of my house at the brink of the grave, and I would have stayed all my life prostrating to God Almighty
If you complete the recitation, pray for the Prophet ...

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