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in ART 🌻🎨📝4 years ago

another in the name of efflorescences and the snowclusterflakes...

~any memory that is worth its salt will train from the moment of its conception in whatever primordial womb somewhere until the moment of its birth in the heart-and-mind of whatever happenstance human happened to be there that day for each other and it arrives for the express purpose of uniting the novel present with its ancient roots~

& natural-like it lived on in whatever happenstance human this one guy happened to be from that day on until he died whatever happenstance day

he died on.

and that day it was you might say set free

the very idea of which does seem to live on with it as in a nagging itch why? all the time it spent wandering the landscapes of this one unimportant man's tenuous and gorgeous soul all those days and all those years later
and it is not in the nature of an idea to measure and to weigh the fort and the heft of another man's time

all those things it met there were the friends it made and how they grew together

how those precious memories of the times when after shifting plates underfoot settled and while sleeping dogs still lie and in the crisp perhaps air emergent feelings called forth this thing once an idea made memory met with the very real fact of its very real roots and its very real wings and the passing haze of its very real dreams and its heart yes now it has one it prefers to nest in a bed of moss and on ember-embossed bitter cold long stark dark dark nights after musing over frost's filigree scripting that always brought it back to the ununendings of the dark dark and the night when it would buckle its boots bid again 'o the crows and it in the guise of a guy by way of the wood set forth for the town whatever happenstance man lived

and innocuous as friends in the golden light of all yes all of each prior meeting

o how mortal days they fade into eventual obscurity where what we won't go there awaits us but not for today as always grateful patient working to be ever kind

and over coffee or tea this guy really loved herbs one of a kind we appeared to any unnoticed passerby just any two guys perhaps catching up over coffee reminiscing over the details of the day or any day really looking back from this day before it winds down to the bare nub where raw our hearts wait at the edge of long-broken goodbyes become dust you say, we'll do this another day

and we do, but not always forever, and at that point while we are scribbling senseless words in the air for once again only to say i love you man i love you bro

it is always good to see you

it is always good to see you

but even though all the wishes in the world were there to see us that day, not a single one could make us stay, except just one extra moment beyond what was physically possible, at least at that time, and even that moment came and went so fast maybe no one ever even saw it happen and even if they did they would probably never guess that all that is precious in any universe anywhere resides in that one specific moment made from a wish that blustery day in whatever town two regular things in the guises of men sat at a table making friendship over coffee you'd think or tea maybe this guy really loved herbs heck if there was a passerby there that day who could have happened to notice something unsettle and someone asked her then by chance "guess what" she may have settled on "chicken butt!" if she was a young girl but not in a million years gone by would've guessed what really happened the day the universe was saved from things like meaninglessness and other nonsensical such truck as couldn't fit in the mind of a child but you'd think she must have felt it, something, maybe, like wonder like when we were also only youngsters

and one time really was the last last time really, sadly

the sky cold tears it cried that very real day

and the thing that was only just an idea before it met some such happenstance guy, and after all is said and done, at the end of the day, only just an idea once again

once again upon a time there was a very bright idea, and none of the other ideas had any idea how come this idea could shine so bright, as small and simple as it has always been, yet if they knew in any way shape or form hidden inside this idea lived a human heart beating, they might have been able to bet that was it, that was the thing

but any safe wager would probably say that none of those diddly ideas could know squat about how in the haven of that human heart hidden under moss and frost lived the memories this little memory had of a man he really loved once upon a time, such a long time ago

or how in those treasured memories he could see his spotless self reflected and framed in stout oak as in a gentle tender mirror moving and what it's like to learn what it's like to be known through and through by a man that you love and in his terms loves you

and on

it is always nice to see you man. how have you been? what's new?

oh nothing really. good to see you. it always feels like it has been too long.

that guy really loved his herbs~

for S5, +10 MYTH
for Toua Moua, +10 MYTH
for the BBOAT, Sean Pickle, +22 MYTH +2 LEGENDARY SANITY tokens


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