my old color pencil art

in ART 🌻🎨📝4 years ago



This artwork was created year 2016.

I'm not sure if this kind of art style is called Tim Burton because I know as long it has a big rounded eyes, exaggerated head, and a thin body then it can be considered as a Tim Burton Style.

This is not only an artwork because this is also my project in our Basic Calculus subject when I was in Grade 11. Our teacher instruct us to make a circle in a Cartesian coordinate system then put a drawing or something just to not look like a just a simple circle in a cartesian blabla~.

Creativity is a must.

And in our section I got the highest score because of the correct computation and the creativity.

For you guys to catch up the evolution of my artworks. (OMG! EVOLUTION. HAHAHAHA) I mean the process on how my artistry skills develop. Check my next post. :)))

F o l l o w .

R e s t e e m .

U P V O T E .



tell me the name of your work.
Then I'll tell you what this style is.
Always name your artwork. Signature, autograph - good. The history of creation is good.
But if there is no name .... You thought of a nickname for yourself.
Come up with a title for your work.

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