Don't Lose Yourself

in ART 🌻🎨📝4 years ago


Expectations are episode, individual episode
Episode of daily life, expectations of daily life
Attachment to expectations leads to pain, it's pain
Unresolved pain, continuing pain.

Others are also survivors, commercial survivors
Don't follow their path, they have their own path
It's not for you, that path is not for you
Know it, understand it.

Other's path can make you less happy, can make you unhappy
Find your own path, heart's path
Where is it? Can you find it?
It's not impossible, make it possible.

Your ancestors followed a different storyline, whole different storyline
It's not for you, it don't belongs to you
This era is different, this time is different
New age, cage age.

Flashback mode, memory mode
Insights, sequences
Don't forget who you are, what you are
Protect yourself, don't lose yourself.

giphy - 2020-10-21T181926.577.gif

"This is my original and imaginative work".

(Pictures are edited and used from the Canva application).

Chiranjeevi Sarikonda


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