Your Choices are just that; YOURS!

in Inspire People3 years ago


Hello Steemians! Its a beautiful day to inspire Someone(hopefully).
In the few decades I've been here, I've noticed Toxic Cycles of bad choices are birthed from PROJECTION.

When i say projection, I am referring to the tendency to conclude everyone does something just because you do it.
While there's some truth to projecting, there will always be instances that prove this false.

A Thief believes everyone steals.
A Cheat believes everyone cheats.

Here's what i mean, as per Cheats:
In a relationship, a guy from a circle of Cheats can not trust his woman not to cheat simply because in his circle, cheating is a norm and he cant trust she will be faithful. This believe now births the Toxic cycle of Cheats because The guy is projecting his cheating issues unto his woman. Due to this projection, the lady who initially believed in the potential of Fidelity is sucked into the cycle of cheating cos all she sees around are Cheats which is likely to become the new norm. Her choice has been stolen. So basically, the infidelity is cos of the guy's false projection.

What am I saying? I don't think you should make decisions simply based on other's experiences. Every person has fundamental bearings which serve as basic instincts to making decisions. If you think it will make you happy without hurting anyone, then do it!

As they say experience teaches well. YOUR experiences teaches YOU well. Don't let your circle live their lives through yours. Just as your life is yours, your choices are yours! That's how we break the Cycle.


A Thief believes everyone steals.
A Cheat believes everyone cheats.

This is very true and a reality. Summing it up, it is our choice to believe what we think is true and to ignore what we think should be ignored. Choices are ours to make and they do have underlying consequences, but we are the ones who chose them. least thats my take

Thats very true decisions should by based on what's happening at that moment not on what you heard or what once happened to you in the pass
Nice one keep the spirit bruh👌

For sure bro

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