Did you know Icelandic phone books are listed by first names (not surnames)?

in Did You Know6 months ago


Icelandic phone books are indeed listed by first names instead of surnames. This unique characteristic stems from two factors:

  1. Patronymic naming system: Icelanders traditionally use patronymic surnames, where their last name is formed by adding "-son" or "-dóttir" (meaning "daughter") to their father's first name. For example, if someone's father is named Björn, their last name would be Björnsson or Björnsdóttir depending on their gender.

  2. Emphasis on first names: Due to the frequent repetition of patronymic surnames, Icelanders place a greater emphasis on their first names for identification. Thus, it makes more sense to list them in phone books by first names, as it minimizes confusion and ambiguity.

This practice dates back to the late 19th century when phone books were first introduced in Iceland. While some other Nordic countries adopted a similar system at the time, Iceland has preserved it to this day, making it a distinctive cultural quirk.

Here are some interesting facts about Icelandic phone books:

  • They are published by the national telephone company, Sími ehf.
  • They come out annually, printed and online.
  • They list both residential and business numbers.

Each entry includes the person's first name, patronymic surname, address, and phone number.

So, if you ever encounter an Icelandic phone book, don't be surprised to see names like "Guðrún" or "Jón" listed! Just remember that these are people's first names, not their surnames.


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