Re-Wilding- What does it mean to me and is it important? TSU bi-weekly question

in Tribe Steem Up!4 years ago (edited)

This is my response to the #tribesteemup bi-weekly question.
What Does The Term Re-Wilding Mean To You? and do you think it is important to re-wild ourselves

Re-Wilding to me means being at Optimal health at all levels of my being i.e. Physical, Emotional, Mental. For me personally it means releasing my fears, belief systems, judgements, perceptions, imaginations, illusions, emotions, attachments, self fulfilling prophecies, unnecessary desires, addictions and above all the biggest culprit Ego.

We cannot change the fast growing technology, I am not sure some 100s of years down the line, if there would be anything of nature that would exist. Words like Grounding, connecting to nature, inner-self would be more of an alien sort. So we are still lucky enough to have this opportunity to connect with our origins.

Re-wilding is important at all levels as I mentioned Physical, Emotional and Mental

  • Physical Rewilding - It is so important to be physically at good health level, because a weak body will take you down in every way. A healthy mindful diet, A regular Yoga practice, keeping yourself as much as possible away from Radiation, Heavy toxic metals, getting enough sunlight, healthy sleeping habits, banning use of harmful products filled with chemicals.
    When I shift back to India it is my plan that I have my own organic farm, where I can grow my own day to day veggies and be 100% sure of what's getting into me.
    Physical Re-wilding is a full circle that needs to be taken care off. It's just not about a mindful diet, it is about an overall lifestyle and in the bargain you will need to part ways with many of your favourite things. But it is important, because when you are physically fit other things will follow. But to an extent it is all interconnected also.


  • Mental Re-wilding- A regular Meditation is one of the best form to mentally re-wild. Regular grounding exercise, some mental brain boosting exercise, spending time in nature, doing some hobbies all of this helps. Having a Green surrounding at home will also help with a mental boost.


  • Emotional Re-wilding- When the first two are in place that is the physical and mental, this does not take much of effort. Just cutting off from the drama, some times being a little selfish or you can also say expressing self-love will help you with the emotional part. Attachment with detachment is the key. I do not know the exact process of it but in my journey I have followed one rule and i.e. I believe everyone is going through their own karma with assistance of each other in the form of family and friends. I can only assist each one of them on the path but I cannot change things for them, and this rule applies for my own self also. With this rule I have been able to work on my attachment with detachment process.
    Expectations again can bring us down, releasing that also helps with a lot of stability. No one is obliged to do anything, be it in whatever relationship. The moment we expect, we bring in pain along with it. It is easier said then done.


We live in a society with too many do's and dont's, everything is categorized in right and wrong as per the convinience of the society and religions. The definition of being free, doing things we enjoy the most has been narrowed down.
Not many have the courage to break these chains, set themselves free. The fear of being judged is always there. Release these fears, let yourself go loose, dance when you feel like, laugh at the most stupidest thing, Get into the wild and explore.
The sad part is many people do not even know, what it is to be free. Eat, sleep, dance, laugh, travel when you want and not when others want you to.

I love to dance and it makes me feel liberated. I do not shy off to do that. I love being out in nature, set my soul free, let it explore the wilderness of nature. Thankfully my husband is very supportive and never stops me to do anything that I desire to. This in itself gives me a lot of freedom of experiencing life and rekindling my own self the way I desire.

Bringing more of nature into our life, living consciously, experiencing freedom will help in the liberation process. Else life will be more in chains and suffocating.

All the images are of self.

A free spirit is not bound by this, that, matter, materialism or opinion. They sing, dance and flow on the wind – for they are at one with it. They are nothing and everything – void and expanse. Even space and time does not confine or define them. For they are pure energy itself. ―Rasheed Ogunlaru

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"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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"A visit to Meherabad"
"Stress; the Master Teacher of Life"
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"Some Crystal Love 💗💗💗🌎"
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Is that a Lotus position your holding in the top pic?

Hello @slobberchops, how are you.
This one is a combination of lion and lotus position

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