AbundanceTribe QOTW - How has your energetic experience changed during this global pandemic

in Tribe Steem Up!4 years ago

I have already been pondering on this one lately a lot. Since some time it is my own observation that is coming to light to me that I have been getting into a lot of negative energetic pattern; as to thinking everything is wrong; everything is bad, there is no hope, there is no light.


To an extent it is also my personal problems dealing with my hubby's health situation since last 5 months that is contributing to this. But then in my deepest thoughts I know I am not this person and it is only this situation and experience that is draining me down.

In the last 5 months, there has been so much drilling on my energy level, not only mental and emotional but also at physical level which leaves me too much drained out, but I realize I can replenish this and I do not need to stay at those levels. Also I do not see this as a big problem or trying to be critical on myself on this downside.
Everyone has these moments in life where you feel drained out, hopeless and feel like being the victim, but then there is always a come back and rising up again.

As a person I know this is not my inherent nature, I have a very positive outlook towards looking at each situation and taking everything in positive stride.
When this all began, for the first 4 months I was managing it very well. Though there was extreme pressure in all ways. The downside only happened in the last 1 month and to an extent I can contribute it to the continuous ongoing negativity all around. As it is so rightly said what goes around, comes around. This is not only relevant to our karmas, but also to the energies that exist in the universe. And we are all aware lately so much of negative energy, fear, worry is being sent out and the same universe is reflecting back to us.

When you see there is so much wrong going around, you feel raged and on top of that you feel helpless that you are really not able to do much because you have been fixed up so badly. I feel optimism is the best way to look at life, but then at the same time I also believe that one should not neglect the reality around and sit in the shade of optimism, because then it is like just hiding out. So in the same manner it is also ok to feel low and off energy, but more important is to realize and bounce back.


So what am I doing to bring the Energetic shift back again to a rise?

  • First of all I am abandoning the ongoing news, but that does not mean that I do not know what's happening around. That would be acting foolish. But yes I am not going to pay much of heed, it is just information and nothing else. If I can bring in some change I should get involved, if not then there is no point drooling over it.

  • Get back to my Meditation practice on a daily basis and dedicating more time to it. Lately I have been off this also, I was feeling so drained out that I could really not focus, but then now I am going to push myself. I know may be the first one or two days I may find it challenging but then I will be able to get on track.

  • Get back to my Artistic hobbies. This is also something that has taken a back seat in the last few months, but I am planning to get back on it. Make Candles, Soaps, do my Mandala drawings. All of this gives me great pleasure and makes me really feel good and refreshed.

  • Take atleast a half an hour walk daily. I know it's a lock down period and this is forbidden, but thankfully I live in a enclosed society where we have a beautiful garden area and within our society we do have freedom to move around. So I am going to make use of it and work on myself.

So these are some few things that I am going to start with to bring the energy shift back rising up and positive in the true sense and just not a cover up.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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