Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - Can Human Nature Ever Be Changed? And If So, Should It Be And Why?

in Tribe Steem Up!4 years ago

As the saying goes "Change is the only constant in Life" and that's absolutely true, nothing is permanent, nothing is constant. There is a continuous evolution process going out there in the Universe so how is it possible that anything within us can be permanent.

Can Human Nature Ever Be Changed?
Absolutely, whether it is physical or subtle everything around us and within us is in constant change. Human nature to a large extent depends on the energy that we carry around. Our nature, our personality is the direct result of our energy level. The better the energy of a human the more harmonized and stable is our personality, or character or nature, and the reverse. If our energy is low or messed up it will directly reflect on our personality, character and nature.

And our energy to a large extent shows how harmonized we are with our environment, with out food, with our lifestyle and so on. Nothing is independent, there is a co-relation for everything in the universe.

So one has to gauge their Energy level to understand oneself in totality, this is my firm understanding. Whenever anyone comes to me for a healing, the first thing I check is their energy level and I can make a direct relation with their behavior and health. As I work with them to improve on their energy levels the gradual change also starts reflecting on their overall behavior, health and lifestyle.


Why should we pay attention on our Nature and if need be work towards changing it?
Who wants to be around a chaotic person, no one prefers that right. So why be in that frequency. When people start avoiding to talk to us, do not want to be with us, withdraw from us then we should understand that there is something that is not going right. Only self reflection with awareness helps. I absolutely do not like people when they talk harshly, behave insensitively. It shows their overall nature of instability. Sometimes I also empathize with them, because I understand that there is a reason behind it. There are many underlying conditions that shapes up the nature of a person.
That would also include their financial condition, the people around them, external factors and can be many other things. When a person is not financially satisfied you will see the frustration of the lack of finance reflecting in their nature.

Yes but one needs to understand that bringing a balance in every way in life will bring in harmony in life. The more we show lack of something in life the more it plays on our overall behavior.

These are some very simple tips that I offer to people to start with when they start working on their energy.

  • Drink lots of water in the day
  • Take a minimum of 8 hrs night sleep
  • Eat simple and healthy food, avoid all processed foods, sweets, fried foods. Be on a clean diet as much as possible
  • Meditation and Breathing exercise for a minimum of 20 mins daily
  • Spend a minimum of half an hour in nature daily
  • Avoid all unnecessary medicine unless something that has to be taken for a condition

Trust me these are some very simple ways in one can really altar the life drastically. We do not need complicated things to altar our energy, it is all simple and self to do, but the results they will give will bring in a drastic change in one's life. Over a period of time you will see how you will settle down and the energies will start shifting and that is going to impact the overall nature, personality, character of a person.

Everyone wants to be around a joyful, contended, happy, loving, grateful, healthy person. We need to asses, do we fall in this category? If not then it is our top most priority to work on ourselves.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


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