Abundance.Tribe BiWeekly Question - What Has Shaped Your Attitude And Belief About Mental Health And Mental Ill Health?

in Tribe Steem Up!4 years ago

Everything starts at a mental level and then slowly gradually it starts impacting the physical level. I understood this very late in my life. I never had anyone to make me understand this. It was just with life experiences that gradually I learned how important is our mental health and it is so deeply connected with our physical health.

I have mentioned about my past in couple of blogs, having a very toxic lifestyle, not only in habits and lifestyle but also at mental level. Most of the time, I was in the negative frequency, which would also eventually lead me to doing wrong things. Chaos was always around. I was very young then, so the physical body was coping up well with all of it and not really giving me trouble on that part, but yes there were some issues on and off. But most of the issues were in the mind, leading me to extreme anxiety, high stress levels, suicidal tendencies. So it was not healthy at all in any way.

I was continuously looking for help at one point of time when I knew it was beyond my control to handle it and when I was prepared for seeking help miraculously help started coming to me in many ways and that is where life started taking a U-turn.


It took me some years to understand and come to a point of stability, naturally I had to shed off a lot of baggage. It was just not about changing the thoughts but overall life patterns, lifestyle and the whole shift of energy. It was a journey. Sometimes it would happen that I would take one step ahead and again be faced by a situation where I would go 2 steps behind. So a lot of push and pull, but my support systems were strong and they helped me sail through.

One thing I learned in this journey was that I had to share what I felt, what I thought, what I was going through. If I would not do that there would be a pile on within me and that would again start taking me backwards, which I never wanted it to happen. Once I reached to a level of good understanding, that's when I decided to become a mentor for many who I would see myself in couple of years ago.

I could empathize their behavior and I knew they needed help. It is very easy to judge someone, but it is very difficult to understand someone. I can see how hastily people make judgements on other people behavior, but I want to tell them, pause and reflect, why it is happening. There is some hidden pain with that person, which he or she is fighting out internally within their heads. They are not able to express and hence it comes out in all different ways.

In the last few years, I have spoken to countless people on their mental health. When I see someone behaving strange, I try to reach out to them and probe them to talk. Most of them are hesitant first to discuss their personal things, but building up a comfort level with them and then taking to them helps break those barriers and I see how people break down with what is so deeply buried within them.


I remember this case very well. A lady she was coming to me for Yoga, and I would notice that she would talk continuously, even while doing asanas she would not be able to keep quiet. Her mind was always jumping from one thought to other. And she would try to look extra happy. It was not a normal thing, I could feel that restlessness and pretence with her. I would make her sit after the sessions and speak to her just general things, trying to probe her to speak up what she had within her. For 1 week she did not say anything, but after that one of the day, while talking she started crying bitterly and then she told me her story, how her very young son had left them and has not been talking to them over some family issue. From there on her healing journey started and gradually she also got back to her son.

Many people are fighting this internal battle with a fake face and we can easily make out. For people with healthy mental health it is very important to help them and not judge their behavior. Mental health build up with one's capacity to handle stressful situations of life. Everyone goes through challenges of life but not everyone has the same capacity to deal with it.

Mental health depends on many other things, like our food plays a major role on our brain health, the people we move around with, our environment, all of these shapes our mental health. If one can identify the problem area it is much easier to change.

In the recent times all the more we need to be mindful about the mental health, there is so much chaos around impacting almost everyone in some or the other way. People are losing their family members, livelihoods, homes. It is difficult to manage these challenges. The ones who are in stability should come out and be there in every possible way.

It is also not always about giving advice, Sometimes all one needs is just a ear and nothing more. So be that ear to listen, make such people feel comfortable, after all everyone is a part of us. Reach out to people who suddenly become quiet. There must be some reason to it. We are all in the same energy grid experiencing different levels, some are able to handle this energy well and some are not, but it's ok. We all have our journey and the most important part of this journey is to be connected with each other, be there for each other.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


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Yeah @nainaztengra you are right that It was just with life experiences that gradually I learned how important is our mental health and it is so deeply connected with our physical health.
I am agree with you .
And also this problem with me that people are not attached with me for the long term .they left me .why can they left me i can't understand this problem

People come into our lives for a particular reason, once their purpose is solved that could be either to give us learning or give us helping hand to move forward or just be our support system for that time, they would exit from our lives then. After building bonds with them, yes it is difficult to see them going away, but that makes room for our way ahead.
Wish you loads of luck always in your relationships @jemisteem

Wow thank you so much dear its such a great motivated answer from you .
Yeah its reality thank you so much !dear @nainaztengra

wow such a great experience of your life you shared wit us thanks dear

Thank you

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