in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago (edited)





Technology is a very broad term and there are many different technologies which you might be interested in. But what exactly is technology? Well, it's a way of doing things, a method. Technology encompasses the methods, processes, skills, and tools that humans use to achieve goals such as those related to transport, communication, or manufacturing. In this article, we will look at one specific type of technology: the latest technology. The latest technology articles usually focus on new inventions which have been created recently as well as innovations in existing technologies.


The first topic we discuss could be "3D printing". 3D printing is also known as additive manufacturing because it works by adding material rather than carving it away or subtracting from a masterpiece like traditional industrial molding. It's basically a way of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file by laying down successive layers of material until the whole object is created. The technology has been around for some time but it has only recently become affordable, which is why you are now seeing it pop up quite often in magazines and online articles.


Another topic could be Virtual Reality (VR). For years VR was thought to be nothing more than science fiction and considered impossible to create, so nobody really tried much. But with the recent development in computer technologies such as HD displays and fast processing speeds, people started working on creating such technology for entertainment purposes though there could also be medical applications in the future. There are two types of VR: one creates an immersive virtual environment that can be similar to the real one or it can present you with completely imaginary situations. The other type of VR is related to augmented reality which allows you to interact with a simulated world.


Talking about technology, let's not forget about robotics. Robots are automated machines that perform certain tasks on their own without any input from humans giving them great opportunities for use in space exploration, military missions, and nuclear plants, just to name a few. You probably have heard about "Boston Dynamics' Big Dog" which is being tested as a pack mule robot to accompany soldiers in terrain where wheels cannot go. It's amazing how far robotics has come lately so there should definitely be something interesting for us in this field too.

There are many more but today I just discussed these in my post. Hope to continue the content in other post. Thank you for visiting!

 3 years ago 

Please add #steemexclusive tag in your post.

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