SIZ Talent Hunt | The State Of Mind Everyone Deserve...

in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago (edited)

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Hello Everyone! I feel so happy to be in this great community, SIZ. I appreciate @cryptokraze for this great contest for it tends to show out the great writing skills one have, and that is so wonderful.
I woke up this morning and I thought deeply to write about handling emotions and being in the best state of mind. For without being in a good state of mind, one will be restless internally and his/her peace of mind will be in a mess.
Your Mental Health Is Everything! It is of so much importance, learn to take good care of it!

Happiness is the state of mind when one is free of depression, troubles, when one is excited peacefully in the mind. We all oath to be happy, we strive to! To many most times, being happy everyday doesn't happen that easily. I was once a victim, but today I am always excited everyday about life and appreciate myself for who I have become. You too can!
I am an orphan, but I never see myself as one because happiness and joy have succeeded in taking me to a very best state of mind. No matter your situation, story, history, failures, you can still find a way to reach this great peaceful state of mind!

When is one said to have unpeaceful state of mind?
One is said to be in an unpeaceful state of mind when he or she:
is depressed
failed a plan
lost everything
is unsuccessful in life
have bad background
have family issues
is poor [could be cash or poor in some states]
is not in the expected place
To mention but few, a lot of activities, actions, things can make one unhappy. But I am here today to tell you that no matter how it goes, your peaceful state of mind can still be attained! You just have to be willing to free your mind and find the best therapy and source of your joy! Never let your past ruin your present or what is to come! Let go of the past and move on!

What are the simple therapies one can find?
The biggest therapy you can have is undoubtedly YOU! You know yourself more than anyone does, you know what you deserve, you know the best places to be, you know what gives you peace of mind (that thing you ever always wanted)! Check yourself internally, ask yourself questions, discover your potentials, improve more on what you are good at! Do your Best!
Below are the simple therapies everyone knows about, this is a reminder, yes they are very much helpful to cope unpeaceful state of mind!
•do what you are good at
•do what you love so much
•listen to your favorites songs
•be in the right cycle [surround yourself self with good friends that will bring out the best in you]
•have fun
•learn new things
•be social
•visit wonderful places to have great moments to speak about
•choose smart work over hardwork
•be contented
•do take a break and have some rest
•discover more! Learn more ways to be happy!
•Always aim to be satisfied in a right way!

Life is wonderful if you know how to manage every circumstance. Your Mental Health Is Everything! Always strive to be mentally satisfied. We all aim to live the best life, make yours worth living!

In a special way I acknowledge @cryptokraze and everyone supporting the great vision of Steem Infinity Zone. SIZ is a great community that would add values to one's skills. I hope to obtain the best from this article. I appreciate everyone who have read through to this part of my post, I hope you finds it useful and beneficial.
Your upvotes, views, reviews and comments will be very much appreciated.

Thank you 💟

 3 years ago 

Feeling great to read your content. No doubt we have to clear about ourselves. We should put Own self on priority Because we are responsible for our own self. Other treat us as we treat ourselves . Great post 👍👍👍👍👍👍

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much... I am motivated to do more by your kind reply! 😍

 3 years ago 

Yes you have to keep posting. I like such content about self care and health care

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much 😍

 3 years ago 

Glad to see your post. Indeed mental health is crucial.

One thing I want to add is that if you are using image please mention the source of that image.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much.
I have edited and the image source have been provided.

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