MY LIFE WITHOUT IT BY @rutthy. || 20% payout to @siz-official

in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago

20% payout of this post goes to @siz-official for promoting the community.


Good evening all. Trust we had a great day. I'll Like to appreciate the entire members of this great community. I am very grateful to @siz-ofivial for organising this wonderful contest and I am elated to be among the participants.

The topic, My day without IT is a very broad one and there are so many technology devices which we use everyday in our everyday life such as Lawn mower, tractor, micro wave, electric cooker, electric iron etc, but for the purpose of this contest which has to do with Information Technology, i will be making reference to the ones related to IT which are laptop, telephone, radio, television etc. Before i go further, some definitions are necessary.



INFORMATION is a data that has been processed and organised into readable and easily understandable form which can be used to make informed decisions.

TECHNOLOGY on the other hand is the process by which knowledge(scientific) is applied in order to get result in practical aspect.

Therefore, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY can be said to be any thing or any technology that organisations use in sourcing, processing, safeguarding, organising, and disseminating already processed information easily. These technologies help in easy processing of raw data into information and also heps managers of organisations in making informed decisions. This technology helps in the efficiency and security of an organizations information. I can also include spending of electronic mails using our phones, teleconferences, zoom meetings etc.
Some IT jobs may include but not limited to Software engineering, computer programming and network administration.



It is no more news that Information technology has come to become part of our everyday life and it cuts across all the sectors of the economy. Why? you may ask. This is because, every sector of the economy makes use of data , and this data includes information gotten from different sources which are later processed into usable forms with the help of technology. Some of these sectors includes;

    IT plays a very great role here ranging from sourcing information about improved seeds from different sources and also processing them into usable for and them sending it over to farmer in many areas to make use of. These information and are spread through the help of IT.

    This is another sector where IT plays a key role. Finance has to do with money and hence, needs proper documentation. It also needs accounting system like ms excel, sage or even QuickBooks softwares in order to be accurate in organising this type of financial information to avoid mixing things up. This information processed can then be sent to the public domain for future use.

    IT can also be used in the health sector to keep track of patients information and also store useful details about patient's which can be called upon at any time when need arises. It also helps in keeping record of hospital equipments and the amount of money spent in acquiring drugs etc.

    IT also plays a key role here too because this is a very relevant sector in most countries and most of them depend on it for their export earnings. The upstream industries depend on this information gotten from here in the mining and processing of oil and raw materials in to finished products.



At this point, i would like to introduce myself and what I do and how i use IT and also how it has helped me in my work such that I cant begin to imagine going a day without it. I would first of all talk about how may day goes with the use of IT and then proceed to talk about it without IT.


My name is @rutthy and i am a Nigerian. I am a 26 years old graduate of Agricultural Economics and Extension from University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State and I am an accountant by profession. I work with a private firm which is into Car Hire Services. My job as an accountant here so much revolves around IT and without IT, the company can not function. My job includes daily collating data from the drivers and processing them into meaningful format that can be easily read and understood by anyone who comes across it and it can easily be used to determine the company's financial standing and also be used to make financial forecast. Among the softwares i use are Excel and sage. I also make use of my laptop in processing the data. Sometimes also, i do get information form my clients via facebook, watsapp etc in order to process them into meaningful information. Other devices also that can also be used to acquire information are television sets ,radio sets and telephone. I also use this IT softwares to draw financial reports and cash flow statements too. The IT gadgets and softwares has helped in the smooth working and effective working of the organisation. It helps me in compressing bulky and bogus data into easily readable and understandable format for easy sharing and usage.

I would also like to add here that the Steemit platform can also he an example of IT platform because people also share and get useful information from it.

With all these being said, you can see that my life revolve mostly around IT ranging from my personal life to my work life.


Honestly, i don't know how i will begin to describe a my life without IT. Boring will be a very big understatement when describing it.

My life without IT will mean no work for me and no work for me will in turn mean no life to live and when you have no life to live, you are simply existing without purpose in life.

Again, my life without IT can mean dearth of ideas, confusion, laziness, poverty and many more.

A life without IT can also mean life without Facebook, Instagram, tweeter etc and when i don't have such in my life,ill be lacking in basic information and this can lead me to be backward, therefore my life without IT means a backward life in all aspect.

In conclusion, to live my life without IT spells POVERTY, FRUSTRATION AND BACKWARDNESS and these three are the worse disease that can happen to anyone in this 21st century.

In conclusion, the use of IT in our everyday life cannot be overemphasized.

At this point, I'll like to invite @emumike, @idken and @favbay to participate in this great contest.


thank you for reading my post

 3 years ago 

Best of luck bro for this contest my best wishes for you.

Regards, Faran Nabeel

Thank you @faran-nabeel but i am not a bro.

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