Weekend Diaries | 07/05/2022 | My Visit to Madinah & Visiting small Mosques around Mashid Ul Nabawi |

in Steem Infinity Zone2 years ago

One of the great places on earth is land of Madinah. When you enter inside it you feel calm, peace and you feel like you came in very safe hands. I got the chance to visit Madinah once again by grace of Allah.
In the following video I have covered small Mosques around Madinah Munawara which sometimes goes unnoticed. Let’s discuss one by one.

Mosque Ali

Hazrat Ali Mosque is just next to door 16 of the Masjid ul Nabawai. Some people says these mosques were actually houses of Sahabas, but it is not confirmed. Hazrat Ali Mosque is closed the main reason I found as Masjid Ul Nabawi is just few feet away and all the prayers happened only there. This mosque is pretty much closed and high walled that you cannot actually see inside until you go inside.

Mosque Ghamama

Mosque Ghamama is on south west side of Masjid ul Nabawi. Word Ghamama Means clouds. In this Mosque Our Prophet offered prayers for rain. Also this mosque has significance as Prophet has offered last two Eid prayers in this Mosque.

Mosque Abu Bakar

Mosque Abu Bakar is situated just next to Mosque Ghamama. Significance of this mosque is that Prophet has also offered Eid prayers in this Mosque. This mosque is beautiful and compact. If we see pictures of it on internet it has a beautiful Domb with very Vibrant Colors. Around these two Mosques there is chain of hotels on walking distance.

Mosque Usman (Zoul Norain)
If we walk through the gate 4 straight towards road coming from Riyadh the first Mosque which we see is Mosque Usman. This is small Mosque and has Taps outside from which you can do Wadoo. Like other Mosques this is also closed it may be due to same reasons. This Mosque history is very minimal. However it is call Zoul Norain cause Hazrat Usman married to two daughters of Prophet.

 2 years ago 

Mashallah ❤️..


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