Helloo friends of Steem Infinity Zone. Greetings to all! I join this beautiful initiative of @vvarishayy, I show you a beautiful smile from a child of god.

I invite my friends @nutibeita, @luismiguel23 and @yahncito to change a person's life in a positive way!

These acts of kindness have made me think that we all really need help from our fellow man. Everyone, we all go through a difficult situation and even more now with the pandemic that poverty has increased, at least in my country it has been like that. This sad reality does not exclude children, who although through no fault of their own, pay a great part of the misfortunes that occur in the world.


Children with all their innocence and goodness and being the future of our country have been mixed in many needs, needs that clearly their parents have not been able to cover either because they are unemployed, because the money is not enough or simply because they decided to be absent in the lives of these little ones.


Where I work, in the aisles of the mall there is always a boy who I eventually learned is called Yeison, he sells candy and asks for donations to bring food to his home. And the act of kindness that I want to share this time is his.


A boy who despite not having much lives a grateful life, that although his situation is street is educated and eager to learn and work. Because of the affection he has earned I decided together with my work group to make him a gift, where we gave him food, colors, school supplies, books, bag....


Her happy face says a lot, and that is what remains with us today. The happiness of trying to give a little bit of happiness to those people who need it so much and even more if it is to a child, a child who tomorrow will be the one who will help us grow as a society.

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