SIZ Education || Neuralink : A huge step in to a brighter future || Club5050 | 10% beneficiary to @siz-official

in Steem Infinity Zone2 years ago

Happy Morning All, How was your day? I would love to share with the family a interesting insight concerning what the future holds with Neuralinks

As days goes by, we continue to find ourselves in a more digitalized world wuth the presence of more sophischated technological devices to help mankind, the presence of Robots is a thrilling wonder but the risk involved are too risky to overlook.


In most Big firms, robots are being put to use because of their efficiency at work and their ability to work without getting tired, most robots require voice command or body contact to be able to receive command though most robots do not need these method to articulate instruction.


Neuralink can be defined as a gadget that can be introduced into the human brain by neurosurgeons, During this procedure, a microchip known as link will be implanted in the skull. Neuralink is seen as the future technology which can allow humans to use machines without physical contact but with our brain using this Link we can use our devices such as computer or smartphones and computers.


How it works
Human brain consist of neurons that helps in sending signals to all the cells and the muscle, gland and nerve in our body. Each neuron is made up of three parts which are the Dendrite (signal receiver), the Soma (processor) and the Axon (signal transmitter). Neuralink Electrodes will interpret the electrical signals that are received from several neurons in the brain, these signals are being reproduced as an action.


When these super intelligible Robot machine is been discussed, the questions that come to our mind is the risk involved but lets use this opportunity to shed light on the the big question which is;
What Humans can gain from Neuralink?
On 9th April 2021, Elon Musk one of the passionate men who pour in their resources in order to liberate people from hardship and suffering posted a video on twitter showing a monkey playing ping pong with its mind. Elon Musk reply to a question in the video comment with this "technology could be tested on human very soon". If Neuralink test on human is successful, we can be able to cure some brain diseases such as Dementia, Alzheimer’s Huttingson's and Parkinson’s disease.


Neuralink technology can help people with disabilities like Paralysis, Stroke or brain injuries by giving them the ability to control computerized device by using their mind. Neuralink will bring up a faster way to interact with computer when compared to voice or hand command.

A person's cloud information can be used to run this since this is where all our resources are stored with our mind and one can type messages with the speed of his thought. What do you this? Sounds Cool? If a monkey can achieve this then imagine what humans can do with this advance technology. I am sure human has a lot to gain because endless possibilities can be achieved with Neuralink.

Some of the setbacks facing Neuralink are;
This advance technology has its setbacks. The major concern about Neuralink is the security and the overwhelming question is; can it be hacked or is it vulnerable to malicious attacks? For now, the company’s CEO tried to assure us that it will be fully secure when its ready to be tested on humans. This problem if it occurs would cause great harm to the person.


This is the area where experts are concerned about;

Neuralink Chip Hack
AI Take Over
Rise in Criminal Activities and,
Human vs AI Supremacy.

Neuralink is a future technology and might be too advanced for humans to handle now but it comes with great advantages which can revolutionize the way we interact with computer as well as its disadvantages which can destroy humanity. Evolution reqires risk and its worth taken... Every new level in Life itself is a risk and one cannot runaway from glory because of risk involved.

With all this being said I hope we will get the good part of all our invention.
Thats the end of today’s article on Neuralink and I hope you all find it very informative. Good Morning to you all


 2 years ago 


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