Siz education | Introduction of Biotechnology | @faisal-ali | 10% rewards to @siz-official

Define Biotechnology:-
The use of a natural biological system to produce a product or to achieve an end desire of humans.

Picture Source: Pixabay
Modern techniques enable genes to be removed,for example insulin.

Picture source: Pixabay
Not very long ago, people with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus received the insulin they needed for survival from dead animals.Today, they receive human insulin,a product of Biotechnology.
Since the 1980s, Biotechnology has produced drugs and vaccines to crub human illness.

Picture source: Pixabay
Insulin is a peptide hormone produced by beta cells of pancreatic islets;it is considered to be the main anabolic hormone of the regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats by promoting the absorption of glucose from the blood into liver,fat and skeletal muscles cells.

At the end of my post because a week's ago i have free up of my 12th exams because I am the student of Medical that's why I have good information about Biotechnology so i collect all the information from my books and which information i learned during my study.
And I hope Mr, @cryptokraze and the founder of this community like my post and guide me about my mistakes because I am new.
Thanks for all kinds members.

 3 years ago 

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