(club 75)|| Siz-education|| CPU AND ITS MEMORY(Register) || by @christnenye

in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing great? However, welcome back to my blog.

As we know Computer is an electronic machine that accepts set of instructions (data), processes data and gives out the required output known as information. What processes this data into required information is CPU, this CPU houses internal memory known as registers.


So today I will be writing on CPU and its memory (registers)


CPU (Central processing unit) that can be called the processor is defined as a part of the computer that performs every single operation by fetching the instruction which is stored in memory, this instructions that are stored in memory are decoded to first assembly instructions then to binary instructions (0,1) and the binary instructions is executed then comes the feedback known as the output. The CPU comprises of ALU, Primary memory and control unit.

As human brain and heart is the most important part of the body so is the CPU the most important part of the computer system, every single alphabet typed into the computer its converted into computer language (Binary Code 1, 0). The CPU processes the raw data and calculates how to display the output on the computer screen for the user to see because the computer system is garbage in garbage out.

For the output to be displayed the CPU requests step-by-step instructions from it's memory (register) to run whatever that is typed with the keyboard and stores the results as pixel which the unit of an images.

Apart from primary memory and secondary memory, the CPU has its own memory called registers and that brings us to;


CPU performs four basic functions known as fetch, decode, execute and store and all these have the required registers associated to it. Therefore Registers are memory internal to the CPU which is used to quickly accept, store, and transfer data and instructions needed by the CPU.

The registers include;


MBR(Memory buffer register):
It is a memory in CPU that briefly holds a copy of the value that the control unit has requested a memory read on and the result placed on the data bus in the memory location specified by the memory address register.

MAR(Memory address register):
It is a memory in CPU that stores the physical memory address that is placed on address bus where the next piece of data will be written or the next instruction located.

IR(Instruction Register):
It is a memory where the CPU executes because it holds the content of the instruction copied from the Memory buffer register.

PC(program counter):
It is a memory in CPU that holds the address of the next instruction to be fetched from the primary memory.

Analyzing the fetch and execution cycle of the CPU which are the basic function of the CPU with the registers associated to it.

At the beginning of every fetch cycle, an instruction is read from primary memory (it is found on the motherboard), the program counter (Pc) contains or holds the address of the next instruction to be fetched because instructions stores in primary memory are being read in sequentially at a very fast pace beyond human reasoning, this address is moved to the memory address register(MAR) and placed on the address bus, the control unit request a memory read and the result is placed on the data bus and copied into the memory buffer register which briefly holds instruction and then the instruction is moved to the IR(instruction Register). The CPU at this point executes instruction in IR because it holds the content.

I am @christnenye, thanks for reading.


 3 years ago 

Good information,keep it up

Thanks, I will.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your attention in siz community.

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