SIZ Contest | Educate Us About Honey And Its Benefits | 10% Reward To @siz-official

in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago

Hi Steemians!

Greeting to all, hope all are well and good and enjoy happy life. So welcome to my new blog. Here, I am going to share you about honey on demand of siz-official. I really thanks siz-official who introduced this amazing and full of informative contest.

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Agenda we discuss in our post given below:

  • (01)Introduction with short history
  • (02)How to check honey is it pure?
  • (03)Different way to use it.
  • (04)Some remedies made with honey.
  • (05)Important thing is benefits of honey.

So Let's Start:

01-Introduction with History

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Honey is a blessing given by nature. By using it we avoid various diseases and it is also useful in our food. If we look at its history, these bees are different kinds of flowers. They suck the juice from and then add this juice to their home made and in the same way they mix the ingredients collected from different kinds of flowers and fruits to make a honey. We use this honey and it is very beneficial for ours.

Honey is a great gift from nature. It is a great blessing for us because it can cure all kinds of diseases. In our recent times, doctors use honey medicine because The use of honey in medicine is very beneficial. If you look at the ancient times, people still used honey and the Greeks are well aware of this.

Honey is a blessing that we can preserve for a long time. According to a study, this honey is useful for about 22 years. It does not go bad for 22 years. If 22 years is a very long time, then it is It is very useful for the treatment of the disease. We should use it daily, even if we do not take a little, but it is necessary to take honey.

The father of medicine, Hippocrates, used to urge his patients to abstain from the use of honey, and he himself used it daily, so we know that the ancients knew the use of honey very well and Because of what benefits we get.

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02-How to check Honey?

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If we need to identify which honey is real and which honey has come out, then we have to take a glass of water and put honey in it if you see that honey separately. If its edge is seen separately in water, if it is not mixed in water, then it will be understood that your honey is pure. If it is mixed in water, then you will immediately understand that it is not pure honey. Let me make it clear that when you check the honey, don't be fooled into thinking that if the honey sits in the water, you will understand that it is fine. If you put it in, it will sit down. The real and easy way is to put it in grape vinegar and use it and check it with a test tube, then you will know that this honey is real or Is fake.

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03-How to use in different ways?

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  • If we use honey in hot water, it eliminates the mucus present in our body and especially in our chest and our various types of cough sometimes we get dry cough and sometimes we get whooping cough. So it saves us from that.
  • If we use honey mixed with cold water, it removes our high blood pressure very quickly and relieves depression, it keeps our blood flowing.
  • If we use honey in milk, it produces blood in us and cleanses the pre-existing blood and in addition it keeps our stomach clean which is very beneficial for us.
  • Putting honey in milk makes us fat but it does not mean that it produces too much fat in us. It gives us strength and if we are young then we can use it continuously if we milk When we put it in, it brightens our face and makes our face look thicker.
  • Never use honey in very hot milk and very hot water as it loses its usefulness due to its use in very hot things.
  • As I mentioned above, use it in hot water or milk. It does not mean that it is too hot. It means that you have to take lukewarm milk or water.
  • Honey should be used alone without adding anything to it. Thus, it has more benefits. If we add it to something else, it changes its benefits, so we should use honey alone.

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04-Remedies made with Honey

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We use honey in various remedies that can brighten our facial skin and there are many other benefits that I am telling you about.

  • First I am telling you that we can use honey as a cleaner. We can use it as a face wash. The way to use it is that you have to take some honey and add basin to it. Take it and then mix it well. Then massage your face for two to three minutes and then wash it off thoroughly. Your face will glow.
  • We can use it for acne treatment. First we have to take a bud of cotton. We have to put it in honey. When it is applied on the honey, apply it on your pimples, leave it overnight and get up in the morning and wash your face, God willing, you will benefit.
  • The honey we can use for hair shining. The way to use it is that we have to take three tablespoons of honey and put two tablespoons of coconut oil in it and mix it well. After doing it, apply it on your hair. Remember that you should not apply it on the roots of your hair, but apply it from the middle to the end, and then wash your hair after 30 minutes, then your hair will become shiny.
  • You can also apply honey on your lips. If your lips are hard and black, use honey on your lips. It will make your lips pink and soft and look beautiful.
  • If there is no smooth area on your face and there is pigmentation, use honey in it. Take three teaspoons of honey, add one teaspoon of lemon juice and mix it well. Apply it on your face with the help and leave it on for four to five minutes and then clean it, then that area of ​​yours will be fine.
  • If you are getting any damage to your skin due to sun exposure, you can take two teaspoons of honey, add one teaspoon of aloe Vera jell in it and make a mixture of it and use it a little before going out in the sun. If you do, it will not have any side effects from the sun.
  • If your scalp hair is dry then you can use honey. You can put honey in any of your shampoos and apply it on your hair and then wash it thoroughly later, you will see the benefit.

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05-Benefits of Honey


  • Honey is a great antioxidant that keeps our skin clean and radiant. Honey helps to get rid of waste products and germs in the body.
  • If you are worried about obesity, stop using sugary foods and start using honey instead of sugar, then you will see that your weight is working in days. Contains sweetness that is not found in sugar.
  • Consumption of honey lowers cholesterol because honey does not contain cholesterol and it contains many other vitamins and ingredients that enter the body to remove cholesterol and keep our body healthy.
  • The use of honey protects us from heart disease. It prevents the arteries in the body from closing. If the arteries in our body become blocked, we face various diseases.
  • Calcium in honey is very useful for the brain as it strengthens our memory.
  • The sweetness in honey gives us peace of mind and if we use it before going to bed at night, we get a good night's sleep.
  • Honey is very beneficial for gastrointestinal upset. If you use it on an empty stomach, it removes all kinds of acid from the stomach and also heals the small wounds in our body. At the same time our digestive system improves and food is digested faster.
  • The use of honey will get rid of our sore throat. When we have cough and phlegm, then we should use honey which is very useful.
  • If we use honey mixed in hot water and apply it on our hair, all kinds of dryness in our hair will disappear and our hair will become shiny and strong.
  • Honey contains a variety of multivitamins which are very beneficial for our body. If we are using honey then we do not need any other artificial multivitamins.
  • If we start using honey regularly, it eliminates the bacteria and various germs in our body which keeps us healthy.

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Thanks For Watching

10% reward to siz-official for community growth

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 3 years ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest

 3 years ago 

Thanks for watching my post and encouragement۔

You content is full of information. My best wishes with you. Best of luck.

 3 years ago 

Thanks a lot

 3 years ago 

Wow amazing dear friend you make a very good post thanks for sharing information about honey it is very important for our health.
Best of luck bro for this contest my best wishes for you.
Remember me in your prayers.
Regards, @faran-nabeel


 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for your kind words.

 3 years ago 

You have described the methods of using honey very well and by using this method we can improve our health.
best of luck.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for watching and appreciate me and my work.

Great effort bro. You described very well about the benefits of honey. Best of luck for this contest.


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