|| Which what should we do to be happy? ||

in Steem Talentlast year

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Hello beloved steemians!

Myself @shahidalinaz
From: #Pakistan

I start with the name of Allah Almighty who have total authority of this universe. Peace be upon you all! How are you? I am very fine with your kind prayers. I am here to participating this amazing contest which title is

"Which what should we do to be happy?".
I am very thankful to @hive-181224 for conducting such useful contest.
First of all I would like to highlight the meaning of happy.


Happy is derived from Latin word which means "having good feeling or showing pleasure".

Which what should we do to be happy?

Happiness is a process, and that it is natural to go through high and low along the way. As you investigate the things that make you happy and fulfilled,exercise patience and kindness towards yourself.
There are many ways to be happy:

Thanks to Allah

According to my knowledge first and most important thing is that If we want to be happy we must say thanks to Allah Almighty. Prayer is the best way to say thanks Allah Almighty. We should offer prayer five time in a day.
Our Holy book Quran Paak say:

Indeed, the heart finds peace in the remembrance of Allah Almighty. (Al Quran)

By the help of Namaz we can talk to Allah five time in a day. By offering prayer we are saved from many sins. It is mandatory to thanks Allah Almighty for live to be happy.


Cultivate positive relationships

If we want to happy then put yourself in a situation where you will be liked and supported. Keep yourself develop and maintain healthy relationships with the people who are important to you. The maintenance of meaningful connections is critical to the health for us.

Be thankful to people

Always be sure to set aside some time to think about and appreciate the positive things that have occurred in your life. Think on all the good things that have happened to you rather than dwelling on the bad. Changing your perspective could be as easy
as starting a gratitude journal or finding other ways to express appreciation on a more consistent basis.


Take care of your physical health

Try a healthy lifestyle by doing regular physical
activity, eating a balanced diet, and getting sufficient relaxation. The condition of one's physical body has a significant impact on the mental and emotional wellness of an individual.

Engage in activities you enjoy:

Make a list of goals that you can really achieve, as well as
goals that represent your values and the things that interest you. It's possible that getting a goal that's important to you can make you feel like your life has more meaning.

Practice self care

You need to give yourself time to do activities that will help you relax, think, and cope with the stress in your life, for example meditation, mindfulness, reading and bathing.

Help others

By helping other people and participating in acts of kindness both have the
potential to increase one's own level of happiness. Everyday, make an effort to improve the lives of others by doing some act of charity, such as offering your time or making a financial contribution.

Practice mindfulness

We should pay attention to what you are thinking, feeling, and experiencing. It has been shown that meditation and other types of mindful practising, such as these, have beneficial impacts on one's physical and mental well being.

Seek professional help if needed

If you are having any problem dealing with feelings of
sorrow or any other mental health issues, you must make an appointment with a mental health professional as soon as possible. He will provide you proper guidance and help that make ready to your needs.


By following the Sunnah of the last Prophet(PBUH)

If we want to live a happy life then we should follow our beloved prophet. Stop doing what they have forbidden and do what they have ordered.

I would like to invite @aaliarubab, @ayesha0345 @steemdoctor1
and @suboohi to take part in this excellent contest.

Thank you so much for spending your precious time on my post

▓▒▒░░░ Your Well Wisher ░░░▒▒▓█

 last year 

Absolutely brother, you are right that to be happy, first of all we should thank Allah Ta'ala.To achieve this happiness, we should pray five times a day.Five prayers are the source of our success and happiness.I pray to Allah that you will be successful in this contest.

 last year 

Thanks dear thank you so much for your precious time

 last year 

I liked it when I read that we must be patient, it is clear that we have to fill ourselves with it to be able to flow relaxed with everyone, our faith and love for God unites us with everything, being happy is achieved with our inner being and goodness to others we can find and enjoy happiness daily just by being thankful for the new dawn there is a lot to be happy life is beautiful!


 last year 

Thank you so much for your precious time

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