How Was Your Day Today?

in Steem Talent11 months ago (edited)
Hello Steem Talent Community

Hello steemian friends , I hope you people of steemian are good and enjoy your life . Well I am well. May God bless you all. Today I am writing about an interesting topic which is all time my favourite topic "How Was Your Day Today?" This contest is launched by @azeem22. I hope you people like and enjoy my post.



With a very beautiful morning and with new hopes my day starts as usual I woke up at 6:00 am to go I first of all made my children's tiffin Tiffin was made and then I put the clothes in the washing machine to wash the clothes, the kids were getting ready to go to school, my work was almost done, the kids were ready, the tiffin was on, but suddenly the weather changed and it started raining.


When the rain subsided, the children went to school wearing raincoats, but reached half way, they saw that there was a lot of water on the way and it is not possible to go further, so good, bad, come home, do not go to school, do not go. Get it my little son Karthik will be very happy God ji thank you.



Seeing the rainy season, I made bread cutlets and bread idli for breakfast. Which we like to eat with tomato sauce and sour chutney. Everyone here likes breakfast very much. By 11:00 we all had breakfast. Then I rested for a while and the kids started watching TV.


By 12:30 I was busy preparing lunch. Today I had to finish my work early. Because today there is worship in our neighboring house, so I have to go there by 3:00 pm. By 2:00 we all had our dinner. After finishing all the other household chores, I went for the puja by 3:00. Satyanarayan Bhagwan ji's story was organized. Many people had come. There was a lot of joy in worship. Came back with the prasad by 5:00 pm.


It was getting very hot. I relaxed for a while. After that asked the children to eat, the children wanted to eat momos. The kids went to get momos and I made tea for myself and my husband. Then I started using the phone for a while and I did the work of writing a blog. I made besan laddoos in the evening which is loved by everyone in our house.


The weather was fine. I went to the market to buy some things for the house. It just seemed like it wouldn't rain


But the wind was blowing very well so it felt good. It was 8:00 am while coming back from the market. But never mind, all my work was done. Coming home, I arranged all the things and started cooking dinner.


Food By 10:00 o'clock my husband came back from the shop, we all had food. I finished all the work from the kitchen and came to my room by 11:15. Children, my husband, everyone was busy in their own work, some were watching TV and some were using mobile.

I started accounting for the one who went to the market today.

While doing all this it was 12:00 and then we all went to our rooms to rest. Today was a very wet day, immersed in devotion, spent in conversation with the children.

Photo's Author@aviral123
Device nameOppo A31


I would like to invite my three friends @lirvic , @inspiracion , @oleh.



Thankyou ❤️



Your day was very good and really enjoy able
Wish you best of luck



This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @suboohi

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