in Fur-friends4 years ago


Good day fur-friends, hope we are feeling all well? I'm here to finish up on this article and post on snakes being human pet. In generality, captive and bred snakes tend to be more clam, subtile in nature and easier to manage/tamed than it's wild Counterparts. It is know we have different species which entails different feeding and care requirements. One thing we should all have at the back of our minds is, the Reptiles family in general are not affectionate kind of animals, cuddly pets and snakes are no exception.

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Some people have different reactions about reptiles especially the snake family. They may see them as intriguing, fascinating or distasteful. But for some others, they enjoy its fascinating looks and behaviours.

Snakes being a docile kind of pet, has variety or species of many friendly ones to choose from as pets. A good knowledge of them would guide the keeper to see them as amazing creatures. They tend to continuously show and display that they are unique and incredible species that are different from humans.

Many would want to know why should I adopt snakes as pet over other known human pets. These are some of the uniqueness found in them as pets;

  • they relatively do not occupy much space in terms of area coverage.
  • They are inexpensive to care for. Caring for them is easy and not time consuming.
  • they are clean animals and odourless. This makes it habitable.
  • Unlike some of the known human pets, snakes are not messy and noisy, rather you see them feed sparingly and not everyday.
  • they are docile animals and easy to hold.
  • they consume lesser and inexpensive to feed.


Every potential snake owner should be aware of the commitment required in having them as a pet. For a beginner, a thoroug research on their care requirement should be done and take absolute interest in any of the friendly species you feel it is the right pet for you. There are some basic facts we need to know before considering or deciding on this kind of pet. This is essential for beginners most especially;

  • starting up with small, quiet and friendly species
  • The reptile family are not affectionate.
  • wild snakes in captive are always primero stress, so it requires more attention to maintain.
    _ Some species are more venomous, hence would pose more danger.
    Some can grow larger than expected, hence need the expertise of an experienced trainer.


No matter how the experience level there are few basics involved in the selection of pet snakes. Generally, captive bred snakes are better choices than wild snakes. Wild snakes are are more nervous, hard to tame and may be a vector (disease carrier).
The recommended category of snakes in this group are usually of medium size and available as captive bred. They are also seen to be easy to bred, more docile temperament and easier to handle. Good to know they are inexpensive to buy and maintain too. Some of this popular starter snakes include:

CORN SNAKE (Elaphe guttata)
Corn snakes is beginners first choice of pet snakes. They are easy to care for, available in many colors/patterns and are morphs in nature.

images (28).jpeg(corn snake)

KING SNAKE(Lampropeltis genus)
These are wonderful pets that allows for handling. They are gentle, docile and easy to feed. They have to be kept in a separate cage due to their carnivorous nature or else they will other snakes.

images (29).jpeg(king snake)

MILK SNAKE* (Lampropeltis triangulum)
This is a well known and specie of the snake family known for its highly docile nature and receptive handling. Just like above mentioned species, they are also easy to feed and very hardy. They also come in various colors and patterns just like the corn snakes. Also have same carnivorous behavior like the king snake. Should be house ld different so as not to eat other snakes.

images (30).jpeg(milk snake)

GARTER SNAKE (Thamnophis sirtalis)
Thamnophis sirtalis are also good snakes for beginners with attractive looks and inexpensive to cater for. They are also docile, low tempered and receptive to frequent handling.

images (31).jpeg(garter snakes)

RAT SNAKE (Elaphe obsoleta)
Just like the king snake, Rat snakes are also tmeperd and allow for frequent handling. They are favorites in terms of successful captive breeding.

images (32).jpeg(Rat snake)

BALL PYTHON - (Python regius)
These are also small sized docile temperament snakes when no tendency to bite. Rather they choose to fold themselves round and tight hence the common name given to them as ball python. They are seen to have a lifespan of between 20-30yrs.

images (33).jpeg(Ball python)

Due to the scope of this scope, the above mentioned are the major pets to be considered, but other known species are the large snakes, Colombian Boa Constrictor, exotic snakes, green tree python, water snakes, Amazon tree boa and green snakes.

images (35).jpeg (Venomous snake)


This is the part I know many of us would want to know and also scared of. Not all snakes are venomous in nature. Just like where the non-venomous found, venomous are also seen in same locations. Though there are more venomous snakes in the southern Asia than any other place. Rattlesnakes which is also classified amongst the venomous species are seen only in the western hemisphere.

All water snakes that live in the sea are known to be venomous in nature. Irrespective of the class or location found, all venomous snakes should be handled by an experienced professional. Beginners are informed to stay clear from species termed venomous no matter how captive bred they are. With this, it limts unwarranted and careless attacks to keepers which may sometimes may be fatal.


Approaching the snake house should not be done hastily rather slowly as this is her territory and would want to defend it. For tamed snakes, slowly reach out to its head region and grasp her firmly and then support the other parts of the body with your hand.

For untamed snakes, you are to grasp it's head quickly just as seen in the tamed ones or better still use snake stick. It is not appropriate to handle snake after touching it's food. The smell of the food on your hand maybe mistaken for food and your hand presented as dinner.

Avoid handling snakes in consecutive sessions and days after feeding. Since they need time to digest their meal if handled in such manner without giving them time, may make it regurgitated.

In conclusion, snakes can still make a good pet but one has to be conversant with the exact species and handling to be able to pull through.
Thanks to you everyone for reading through this post.


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