Fur-friends presents: My top 3 favorite pets and why I choose them (Dogs,Hamster and Cats) || by @evegrace

in Fur-friends4 years ago


I am glad to be part of this contest that is because i love pets so thanks @fur-friends for this contest, i really appreciate it.

Greetings to all pet lovers in this community and all over this platform i hope you are staying safe and how is your pet fairing, i hope they are all fine so if your pet is not fairing well make sure to do something about it because we love pets in this community and if you love an animal it will love you back.

In this entry i will be sharing with you guys my 3 top pets meaning my top 3 favourite pets and why i chose them, now this is my personal choice so if you any disagreement make sure to write your own entry.

3). CATS

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A good cat is an animal that i love to have in my house but because right now i live with my parents and siblings and they don't like cats and i think that is my mother fault because she especially said that cats are witches 😂 which she saw in a movie obviously because i don't know how an animal will be a witch but i have a friend that have a cat and if you come to their the cat will allow you to pet it and they are so clean.

That is why i chose a cat because of how clean they can be do you know a trained cat can live inside your house and it will shit only in a box and it will keep other animals away from the inside of your house but you can not use a cat for big security issues like thieves because they are too small and don't have any scare tactics against Man that is to tell you that cats are stealth animals that is how they kill rats in the house.


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Now i know many people don't have Hamsters including me but i will want to get a hamster if not for anything but for the fact that they are so cute and really good entertainment because as you can see they are so small and they like running around so you can buy a nice fun cage for them that has a spinning roller so that it can run on it whenever it feels like running, don't put 2 newly bought hamsters inside one cage because they will fight and their fights can be deadly some times.

1). DOGS

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Man best friend there is a reason why it is man best friend and that is why i like dogs, a dog can die for you, a dog can kill for you and a dog can protect you I have a dog and her name is Chelsea this dog has been with us through good and bad times even when this dog was just a puppy and you punish it for doing any thing wrong because that time it used to bite shoes.

If you keep a shoe outside it will bite it and that use to annoy me so one day i punished the dog buy flogging it with a belt but after i punished it i still went and pet it again and it still plaid with me so at that moment i knew that dogs are just loving animals, once your dog knows that you are it's owner it will love you unconditionally that is why i never torched that belt again because the dog never bite my shoe again and there is something i have observe from dogs do you know when you scream even though you are scream you love them they will think you are hating on them but if you talk softly and you are insulting them they will be happy because they think you are petting them so dogs communicate with our emotions so when you are sad just go and stay close to a dog and it will come close to you for companion and when you start petting it you instantly start to feel happy again.


Now with this reasons i have given above you now know why i love cats, dogs and hamsters. thanks for reading and have a nice day.



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A very thoughtful write-up from you. Thanks a lot for sharing .

Thanks for your time

Hahaha, most parents do have such ideology. But cats are also good pets though I prefer dogs

Yes cats are good pets

Very nice post about pet animals,I hope you continue sharing your thoughts and experience.

Ok i will thanks for your time

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