Fur-friends Presents: 3 Life lessons I have learn from pets

in Fur-friends4 years ago


Living with a pets can bring a lot of positive energy into a household and have a basic training and being steady. I have lived with a pet since the moment I started staying on my own. My bullet dog,means so much to me with so much joy in my life, which helps in calming down my mind after when ever am feeling depressed.

There are vital lessons I have learned from pets which are;

Lesson No.1: Always Being present
Application of lesson: One of the most vital lessons i learn from pet is being present in the moment. Pets don’t overthink the past or worry about the future. When my dog is eating his food such as beat he isn’t worrying about whether it makes him grow or he need to eat more nor exercise to get fit. He is just enjoying his meal and embracing the present moment. When ever I feel depressed each time I will just figured out and think about my pet and then copy some of his characters.

Lesson No.2: Lesson of Playing with others
Application of Lesson: Majority of pets love to play. My dog can play with Goat, and other small dog for hours. If you have a dog you will see the dog acting silly when going out to play. Even if he it’s chasing a bird, or running around making funny jumps, he will always find something he likes.

And I have learn a very vital lesson form this no matter what I should find something that I love doing and be doing it perfectly.

Another lesson learn from this is that playing isn't just for kids or for pets alone. Playing on a regular basis can enhances my creativity, opens my mind and spirit. With this lesson I always go outside, and dance around my house each time am alone in other for me to have fun.

Lesson No.3: Lesson of acting strange
Application of Lesson: I have learn from my pet that isn't everyone that came close to us we should smile at him/her. Some might be good and some might be bad which they just came as a whisper to others.

Thank You


The your words is right"I have learn from my pet that isn't everyone that came close to us we should smile at him/her. Some might be good and some might be bad which they just came as a whisper to others.* everyone should be careful. Thanks for your fine post @josepha

 4 years ago 

You're welcome thank you very much I appreciate

Keep the good work up

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